Chapter Four

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Rosie's POV

"Baby, wake up" I felt him kiss me to wake up and smiled with my eyes closed. "Oh my beautiful little Rose, will you please wake up!" He teased. "They say that beautiful princesses are supposed to wake up to true love's kiss, am I not your true love?" I could hear him pout. It made me start to giggle.

"Of course you are my true love! Your insanity matches my insanity, making you absolutely perfect for me!" He smiled at this one.

"Well honey, I have to leave but I will be back late tonight. In the morning, we can go look at that house you love so much since it's for sale." He tickled and caressed my stomach as I turned over to sleep. As I was drifting off I heard him say "I love you forever Rosalie Belle".

I awoke with tears in my eyes and feeling as if I had a hangover. I could hear someone making a clicking noise with a laptop in the room. I slowly woke up and tried to get my bearings. My heart stopped. I'm free...I'm not in that room. I'm in a different bedroom but I could see light by a window. Oh my god that was sunlight! It had been so incredibly long. I rushed towards the window and struggled my knees still a little weak. I forgot the person on the other side of the room until then when he rushed over to me and grabbed my waist trying to make sure I don't reach the window.

"Woah there, honey you ain't escaping today." I thought I heard him say but it didn't make sense. Escape? Apparently I already have!

"The's so warm." I whispered completely and utterly transfixed. I didn't look at the man till he took his arm away after a minute. The loss of contact shocking me. No, no, no, please, it felt so good. I just want to be touched again!

I looked at him and finally took in his appearance. He was tall. Easily a foot taller than me, but then again that's not very hard. He was shirtless, with paler skin than mine. He was just pale white with tattoos scattered all around his torso and arms. His eyes were a light blue that sucked me in. Wow this man is different, but oddly very attractive and I am rarely this attracted to others so this surprised me. When I finally looked from his eyes, I noticed his bright green hair. That's what triggered last night to flood back to me making me fall to my knees. He kneeled down next to me waiting to me to catch my breath while rubbing my back.

I was finally able to manage some words. " are my hero. Thank you so much!" Then I tackled him, craving the touch and showing my appreciation.

"'re welcome." He said awkwardly and was stiff. I pulled back taking the hint. Hey I am an empath, I know how to take a sign...wait. I am an empath...I can't feel him. It's not like the static. It doesn't hurt to focus on, in fact it's like taking a bath and sinking in the tub where you can't hear the outside noise. I can feel other people in the house, one is bored, one horny, two angry, and one that is impatient. I can feel the man in front of me and his presence but no emotion with it. Weird. As we stared in a comfortable silence curiously looking at each other, I thought about testing to see if I could push emotions on him but I thought better of it. The man just saved me from a fucking gang rape, should probably be polite.

"It doesn't bother you that I killed those men?" He asked almost disbelievingly.

I chuckled at the thought of ever feeling pity for those men. "No, absolutely not. I am fucking thankful. Pardon my language Mister?" I formed the last part to a question.

He looked shocked for a split second. I wonder what he would think of the things that I have done? That was nothing compared to this. He then started laughing a mesmerizing laugh. "HA HA HA HA! Do you not know who I am? How long were you at that place"

I look at him very confused and taking note of his disdain while mentioning 'the place'. "Um should I know who you are? I would think I would have remember meeting you before. What year is it? What city am I in?"

He looked mad that I was answering with more questions but I honestly couldn't answer him without knowing. "It's 2015 and you are in Gotham city. How old are you baby? Where are you from?" He seemed very interested and even came nearer to me.

My heart fluttered at the name 'baby' and his closeness. I sat there in shock for a second. "Wow um I guess I was there for five years. I went in early 2010. They never told me the date or time or anything. It was absolutely maddening. I guess just another form of their torture. I went in when I was 20 so I must be 25 now. I'm from Cincinnati. What's your name?"

Why was he avoiding his name? He turned the question on me "What's yours?" he asked.

I smiled and stated "Rosalie Belle Blake". I was hoping that if I opened up to him, he would open up to me.

"Just call me Mr. J, sweetheart" He smiled like a cat eating a canary.

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