Chapter Thirty Three

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Joker's POV

    My in-laws are assholes. I have been beaten for what has to have been hours. I have no idea what time it is. Her brothers are particularly wicked. One likes drowning me over and over and the other likes burning me. I still fuck with them though, I get in their heads and make them squirm. I call out the one who pretended to kill her rapist and plant particularly bad things in his head.

    Her mother and grandfather notice what I am doing and give the boys a break. Rosalie was right, her mother is cold and heartless. She likes scratching with her long razor claws. I get in her head though by her vanity, telling her how much more beautiful her daughter is. The grandpa takes a few swings at me too when I describe how good it feels to fuck his granddaughter and have her call me 'daddy'. That really pissed him off.

    He is the only one that has even asked if she is okay and that enrages me. This is her fucking family. They are jealous of her ability and want to possess her, control her. That will never happen, she is mine.

    Her grandpa and I are alone and he is sitting across from me. "You know? I can really tell you like my granddaughter." I just laugh at him. Like? More like love, but okay. "That's why I am going to tell you my plan." I arch my eyebrow at this. "See I know my little Rose better than any of these fools, better than you know her even. She is soft hearted. Plus, I get the feeling she has a little crush on you." I laugh even more, this man seriously knows nothing. "She will plead for your life, I will make her a bargain. She comes with me willingly and marries the man of my choosing, and I will set you free." The mere idea of this plan makes me furious and I scream making the old man laugh.

    His phone rings and he answers. He then pauses and looks me in the eyes before taking off. I did not like what I was in his eyes. It scared me. It was victory.

    Gino comes back in after a few minutes and is accompanied by three large men. "Grab him" He instructs. I put up a fight. No, she didn't. HOw could she?! She is supposed to think of the children! Gino looks livid. "You piece of shit, will not live to see the light of tomorrow. No one marries my Rose without my permission!" He screams and punches and kicks the shit out of me.

    No Rosie, what have you done? How are we going to get out of this alive? I am shocked my body is still functioning. I am practically dragged to a van and thrown in the back. When we arrive at our destination, I take it all in. I nearly scream. Not only is her whole family getting out of one car, plus a handful of goons getting out the van with me making us more than likely out numbered, but we are in one of the worst places. ACE Chemical factory.

    They drag me into the factory, their snooty noses upturned from the smell. "Up here everyone" I hear her beautiful voice but it causes nothing but dread in me. We go up the stairs and double doors are open revealing a large conference like room. "Have a seat" She gestures. She is sitting at the end of the table, her belly thankfully hidden. She looks different though, harder, tougher. I'm not sure.

    Her grandfather takes the opposite head of the table and everyone files around. Surprisingly, they let me sit to the right of her. She shows no emotion when she looks at me and I am taken back. She is cold, something I have never even imagined her being.

    Her grandfather is the first to speak "Let's negotiate and cut the shit with the emotions. It only works on the henchmen." Ah so that's why I was seated next to her. I laugh out loud causing glares from everyone but my wife. She still has no emotion.

    "You seem to think you are in the position of negotiating." She says and he laughs at her.

    "We have your husband, Rosie. We outnumber you. You are lucky we are even willing to negotiate. Your mother and brothers don't want to, but you know I always had respect for you. So what will it be?" He asks.

    "Out of curiosity, what do you propose?" She leans back and puts her hands interlocked over her stomach and that's when I notice. Where are my babies? Are they dead? Were they born? Did I miss their birth? Who and where are they? I want to scream but I settle with breathing heavily. I suddenly feel her hand on my knee and give it a reassuring squeeze. She instantly calms me but I still feel upset.

    "I will let your husband go free, if you sign a divorce and marry a man of my choosing." She laughs bitterly surprising everyone in the room but me.

    "Grandfather, he would no longer be my husband if I divorce him and marry someone else, so who are you planning to set free?" My wife is sharp. I notice his play on words but wanted to see what my girl would do.

    "Very clever." He spits. He pulls out a gun and everyone is standing, but no one is as dangerous as my wife.

    "You know," she says venomously. "On my wedding day. I was wishing you were there to walk me down the aisle. I knew you had not supported these assholes plans in having me captured, raped, and tortured. I still had hope with you, but seeing what you have done to my husband, seeing what you let these filthy monsters do to the one person who has truly loved me. I have no problem doing this." She presses a button in her hand.

    Her family looks at her viscously at first and then fear causes them to start running. It is her grandfather who sits back down, pride in his eyes, and a small smile on his face. He pulls a phone to his ear but no one can hear what he is saying. Rosalie blows him a kiss goodbye and grabs my hand. Explosions could be heard. She has us going through a window she shot out. The metal scaffolding is shaking and below are vats of the toxic waste.

    I realize what she is doing. She made it where our only option is to get blown up or jump into the acid. I look at her with fear but she is brave. "Come on, together," She tugs at me. We are on the other side of the railing about to drop. I grab her.


    The acid buns. I try my best to shield her body with mine but it is no use. She is writhing in pain and trying to catch her breath. Unfortunately, the explosion blast starts spreading and I have to hold her under. The chemicals and the industrial vat protecting us. When I can't hold my breath any longer, I push myself to the surface, not letting go of her hand. Smoke is everywhere. I pull her out up so she can breath but she coughs at the smoke.

    I hurry and try to get us out of the vat. The walls of the building are mostly gone so we quickly make it out. I thought I saw a figure running away but I am dizzy and fighting the weakness I feel. Rosalie is barely dragging. I fall to the ground once we are outside. She does too. That's when I take in her appearance. Her skin is paler, almost like mine but with a slight more color, her clothes are bleached, her hair is surprisingly still black but the tips are bright purple and so is a streak my her face. Her lips are a dark red, almost maroon. Like she has lipstick on. Her eye lashes even look slightly thicker and longer. Strange.

    "We need to go before police or bats comes." She says. Her voice hoarse, I wonder if it's from the acid or smoke. Will it be forever?

    "We need to get the acid off you before it does any more damage." I tell her. A car pulls up, when I say that. I try to find a weapon and there is none. I can't see who it is with the headlights in my eyes. The person gets closer and Rosie is getting up, pulling me up and meeting the person halfway. I want to stop her but see that it is Johnny. I have never been so happy to see him.

    He helps me into the car and he starts driving. Rosalie is shouting at him. "I left you with the babies! They better fucking be alright or I swear to god Johnny, I will skin you alive."

    He looks genuinely afraid, maybe its because she might now be the most unpredictable person in the car. "The babies are safe and with Amanda, surrounded by dozens of guards. She has not let them go."

    "The babies are alive? They are okay?" I ask looking at Rosalie, hopefully. Big mistake, she turns on me.

    "What the hell do you care? You left me to go on some kind of suicide mission! I had to give birth alone, I had to abandon my babies when they were only an hour old just to save your ass! Jack Napier, I may never forgive you for this." I have never seen her so upset and angry. The full consequences of my actions weigh heavily on me. I try to put my arms around her and she pushes me away.

    I look at her. The chemicals changed her. This new Rosie is darker and angrier. It breaks my heart. She gave herself up to save me. I make a promise to myself then and there that I will do anything and everything in this world to get my old Rosie back.

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