Chapter Seventeen

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Joker's POVV


    Well more insane than usual. I have been tearing this city apart looking for her and she is nowhere. I have had several confrontations with Batman and the bastard just smirks at me when I insist on him telling me where she is. I think he even had his little butler buddy leave the country because we can't find him either.

    I need her. I miss her small hands rubbing me and comforting me when I have a nightmare. I miss the feel of her small body next to mine. I miss her laugh filling the mansion. Her smell is disappearing and I can't take it. My chest aches. I'm hardly sleeping and rarely eating.

    It started as a joke. I was going to make her fall for me, use her and then hurt her. The joke is on me, because I can't live without her. She was the one that calmed me down and made me happy. Harley never had a hold like this on me. I didn't even think I was capable of feelings like this.

    Before my little acid bath, I had a wife that I loved but I can't remember much more than that. When I was reborn, such feeling shouldn't be possible. I need to get her back and then I will lock her up and keep her safe.

    I hear Frost coming down the hall quickly and sounds like he is talking to someone and sounds frantic. I stand up worried, Frost doesn't get frantic so something must be wrong. "What do you mean he hasn't been looking for you? We have been going nuts-Here he is." I look at him questionly, and he adds "Its her."

    My heart stops. He hands me the phone and whips open the laptop on the table, I assume to track her down. "Rosalie! Where are you? I am on my way. Are you okay? Why are you calling from a hospital-" I need her now.

    Frost supplies "Mercy Hospital in Bludhaven."

I continue "in Bludhaven?! Are you hurt? Did those bastards do anything to you?" I start to get angry and grab my keys and make my way to the car.  

"Look I know we were over with and that you don't want me anymore but you need to know." She sounds so sad and scared. What does she mean I don't want her, doesn't she know I have been tearing this city apart just to find her? Then she adds the last thing I expected to hear. "I'm 8 weeks pregnant". The phone slams off.

What? No. Its a joke. I walk back inside and in shock.

Frost is urgent and asks "What do we do boss?" I don't know. My mind is blank. I need to find out if she really that far along because if she is, that's mine. I have been fooled once before.

"Um, go get her file from the hospital and bring it here." Thankfully Frost just goes and asks no questions, taking the men with him and I am alone. I need a drink.

I go and grab the bottle of scotch from my desk drawer and drink straight from the bottle. I can't be a dad. I would be terrible. She would be a good mom though. My heart aches and I can picture it. She is pregnant and happy, smiling. Then she is holding a baby and rocking it to sleep. But then she is crying and bloody, the life is going from her eyes, next to her is a small little boy with my eyes. He is crying for his mommy. Then he starts yelling at me.

"You hurt mommy! She won't wake up. Daddy why did you kill mommy?" I start laughing at him and I am jolted from my thoughts.

Frost is back already. "Boss, you are going to want to read this."

I grab the file he brought. It was hers, this confirmed if it was my child or not. Did I want to know? I should end everything here. Cut her out of my life and forget she ever happened. That thought hurt. To never see her again, to touch her again, to hear her again, life would be hell. But if I open this, there is no going back. Either I will want to kill her for it not being mine, but I know it's mine, she is not the deceitful one, she wouldn't lie to me. If I open this, I will have to protect yet another life, they may as well have huge targets on their backs, but I will make sure they want for nothing, need for nothing because they would have made my life fulfilled in more ways than I could ever imagine.

I take a deep chug of scotch and open the file.

She was actually 10 weeks pregnant. So it was mine. She was with me then. I read further and two things shocked me. She was pregnant before, when she was sixteen, father unknown but I can take a guess at who it was. She was in an accident and lost it early on. She thought she was unable to have kids due to she is having two.

We were having twins.

"Frost, who all read this?" I ask, I need to start protecting them now.

"Just me Boss. I assume we need to get her home ASAP." Frost was already thinking of a plan. I knew I kept him around for a reason.

"Keep it that way. No one can know. I am afraid Batman and Dickwing will already know and I assume they will try to terminate the pregnancy." She just can't seem to stay out of danger.

"Wayne is holding a ball in a week. Let's hope she will be there, if not hopefully someone Batman is close to will be there and we can grab collateral." Frost went into more detail about infiltrating the ball. I agreed and nodded. I had him start preparing everything we needed. It was a good plan. Let's just hope a week isn't too long. I was left alone in the office again.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm coming for you."

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