Chapter Twenty Four

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Rosalie's POV

    I have been having a fantastic day even though Mr. J was gone. I took a long bubble bath and shopped my heart out. I remember back in the day doing this when my grandfather would give me a credit card to play with. I ordered tons of things, all in a green theme. That way it's gender neutral.

    I kinda want to wait till I give birth to find out the gender but I also know that I lack patience, especially when I am excited. Maybe I'll see what Mr. J wants.

I avoid the henchmen as much as possible. Some still make me uncomfortable after what happened and Johnny is the only one I actually trust. I quickly made my dinner and went upstairs. I was watching tv when my day went to shit. I heard the sound of gunshots and men yelling. I grabbed both guns from each of our night stands, quickly making sure each is prepared. J's was, mine wasn't. Figures. I quickly had mine ready and tiptoed to the hallway. If I could get to the back guest room across the upstairs, I could climb on the rose lattice and be in the backyard. My gun has a silencer so I make sure to have that one ready. I see a man I don't recognize coming out of a room, he's about to yell when my bullet hits between his eyes. I run into a few more men and they all end the same way. I don't hear anymore gun shots not anyone's voice I recognize calling for me.

Mr. J's men must all be dead. The unknown ones probably looking for me. I must be really conceded or kidnapped frequently to assume it's me they want but fuck it, I rather err on the side of caution. The door is locked when I get to it. Fuck. I'm low on ammo too. I make my way downstairs. I decide. This is my fucking house and they invaded it, they will pay so I make my way to the shooting range.

Unfortunately, I am grabbed and yanked back. I hit the man and he pulls a knife on me. I quickly counter his attacks and end up with the knife, cutting his throat.

Our fight drew attention though and seven men surround me with guns pointed. I panic fearing for my life and my babies. Faster than ever, the purple energy is out of me, causing the men to shoot at me but I never feel their bullets. I was protected. Next thing I know the energy lights up the whole room and the bodies around me are severed into several pieces, me being the only survivor.

I am shaking and in shock. That has never happened before. My powers were never of that magnitude. I run up to my safe place; the bedroom. I am holding my knees to my chest and rocking back in forth. I am emotionally numb and still processing when I hear an anguished cry "ROSALIEEEE".

I run faster than my legs can carry me and I see Mr. J with his head in his hands and on his knees. I don't stop running and he stands up at the noise my feet make hitting the ground. He stands up and has his arms open. I run into them and he wraps me up. "You are okay, you are okay." I don't know if he's trying to reassure me or himself.

"I-I did this...they killed your men a-and the door was locked, I couldn't get o-out so I f-fought. I killed one with h-his knife, then th-they surrounded me a-about to shoot. P-purple energy exploded e-everywhere protecting me from their bullets a-and slicing them u-up." My voice was shaky with energy still coursing through my body. It was like an adrenalin rush on steroids.

"I have never been more grateful for your powers." He is holding me so tight that it is hard to get air. I don't have the heart to tell him to loosen though because it is comforting. "I feel like I should never leave you, something bad seems to happen every time I do."

I could tell he wasn't joking. "Well, I can apparently handle myself." I laugh. He still looks unsure and I know it will be awhile before he conducts business out of the house.

"I can see that. You are even glowing still. You have a faint purple glow." I rushed to the hall mirror and start freaking out.

"Oh no, this can't be good for the babies. What if I harmed them?" I panic. J stays calm though and rubs my shoulders.

"I think you protected them and yourself. I don't think they are harmed, but we will get a doctor here tomorrow for you." I nod wanting that. Once my fears are abated, I get curious.

"Who were those men? Who were they working for?" I asked him. He gets a dark look on his face and we hear noise coming from the entry way. J looks livid.

"They did not fucking bring him here." He mumbles to himself angrily then snaps at me "stay here". Of course I don't and when I get there it's too late for Mr. J to push me out even though he tries.

I saw him. I never thought I would see him again. I fell to the floor screaming.

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