Chapter Twenty Eight

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Rosalie's POV

It is still strange to call him Jack. Sometimes when I look hard enough, I can see the old Jack. It makes me love the man all the more. Today is my wedding day. It has been two weeks of adjusting to all those memories coming back to the both of us. J wanted to get married right away. He wouldn't explain why but his urgency was scaring me. What is going on with him? He has been so on edge and though he spends most of the time with me, he will randomly get up at times during the day and walk out, returning a few minutes later but being pissed.

I had to send my dress to get altered and it was making me nervous. It was supposed to be coming today but it's already an hour late. On top of that, J and Johnny were gone. I don't know why, his text let me know nothing. It was just 'Something came up, I will see you at the altar Mrs. Napier <3'. It made my heart flutter but it's just another worry to add.

I heard knocking on the door and assumed one of the men would get it, but it continued so I went down. I red haired woman was standing there with a box. "I have a delivery for a Ms. Blake" she said.

"Thank you", I signed the little tablet she had and went to lift the box.

"Oh no! Allow me, You should not be lifting anything heavy." The wheels in my head started turning. The box shouldn't be heavy, it's a light and simple dress. I pointed to the living room and acted unconcerned and preoccupied and quickly texted J. 'Redhead woman here with heavy box. Can't feel either of them. Help. Hurry.'

"Can I get you something to drink?" I asked her politely. She smiled.

"Yes that would be great, water please." She must want me out of the room. My ears went hyper sensitive and I head the box opening and movement. My dress had pockets thank god. I grabbed the bottle of water and the loaded small revolver in the kitchen.

I handed the woman her water and I got a text 'STALL!'. I smiled at the text playing my part. "Boyfriend?" She asks.

"My husband actually. Always asking me if I'm okay. I never leave the house! What trouble could I get in?" I laugh and she laughs with me.

"So you are already married?" She asks. I could almost see worry on her face. She seems fixated on my relationship status.

"Yeah we had a small ceremony last week, today we are having a get together with friends and family." She laughs hard and loud at this.

"Ahhh!" A blonde woman with pig tails dyed blue and pink comes running towards me but the redhead grabs her around the waist. "Let me have her, Ivy! She stole my Puddin'! I knew we should have same a few weeks ago, it's too late. I have to kill her now, that's the only way I can have him back!" This must be the infamous Harley.

"Harley, calm down. He wants her alive. We need the money." Ivy tried to soothe her.

"No! You both said I could have him once we get her and I can't since he married her!!" She turns her attention to me "Name is Harley, nice to meet ya!" She says it evilly, but her tantrum was buying me time. I have to goad her.

"Who?" I ask acting like I've never heard of her.

"Harley Quinn, everyone has heard of me. I'm the Joker's girlfriend." She says proudly.

"I'm not from here. Only been living here for less than a year. Jack has never told me anything about you two." I am completely and utterly believable. Which sends her into attack mode, only to be restrained by her friend. I purposely used his real name.

I hear noises outside but so do they. "Grab her and take her to the basement." Harley yells. I reach for my gun but a fucking plant vine is bound to my wrist. Its coming from Ivy's body. Harley leads the way to the basement while plant woman is dragging me.

I yell, "Jack! Jack! The basement. Th-" I am cut off by vines covering my mouth.

"Rose! I'm coming!" I hear him but I am thrown into the torture room. The door is quickly locked and then a bunch of plants burst alive to barricade it. Harley takes a chair and adjusts the security camera and blows a kiss to it.

"Great Harley, how the fuck are we going to get her to the boss now, much less make it out alive." Ivy groans. Sadly she is looking to be my only hope of surviving this.

"We have his precious wifey, he will do anything for us. Speaking of the devil..." A phone is ringing and she answers putting him on speaker. "Hello Puddin'"

"Give her back now and I MIGHT let you live." He says.

"Hmm nope, if you want her to live, I have conditions." She says. Her voice is so grating.

"You know that's not how I work." He growls.

"Baby, I know you better than anyone even this little bitch that is a wanna be me." She laughs. Then he does the unthinkable and laughs too.

"Okay, you're right. But look, my plan worked. I got you back, where have you been baby? I missed you." The way he purrs to her makes me sick and she laughs when she sees my tears.

"Awl the wittle baby is crying. But why did you have to go and marry her Mistah J?" She pouted. I hated how she said his name. I hated her so deeply. I could feel my purple energy growing.

"HA HA HA, she lied about that. The wedding was scheduled for today. I was going to break the news to her then, even show her all the pictures and texts I got from you. The only excitement I get anymore, have you seen how fat she is?" This causes Harley to double over laughing and me to cry even harder. Ivy even looks sad at how the events are playing out and longingly stares at Harley.

"Alright baby, I will come to you in a while and you can make me come over and over again. I am going to play with my new toy. Toodles!" She hangs up the phone not waiting for his response. The phone keeps ringing till she puts it on silence, the she notices my energy before I can get it to attack her. "Oi Ivy, hit her with the juice."

Quickly I try to reach them with my power but Ivy uses a plant to enter the purple, it slowly disintegrates but not before injecting me with a tranquilizer. I'm powerless and I am heartbroken. I will not make it out alive and neither will my children. The idea makes me cry.

"Shut up with the fucking water works" and she punches me in the stomach and I gasp. I quiet my sobbing though. "That's better." She smirks and starts going through the cabinets. I briefly get jealous about how well she knows the room. I start feeling a cramp though and become scared. Please babies hang on, mommy will try to protect you, even if the last thing I do.

I think about pleading for her to spare them. Maybe tell her that they aren't his but I just know it won't work. This bitch is determined to make me suffer. "Put her on the chair, Ivy."

I look at Ivy with pleading eyes. If I wasn't pregnant, I wouldn't be this desperate, but its my babies at risk. She can't even look me in the eyes. I am positioned in the chair. I thought I heard banging at the door. But nothing happens.

Then begins the absolute worst torture of my life.

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