Chapter Thirty

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Rosalie's POV

Coming back from the dead is painful.

Death was dark and lonely. The only thing that kept me sane was Jack's voice. I didn't know if it was real even. We later talked about it and I found out all was real. His voice cracked when telling me and I felt awful for making him relive it.

It's been two days and he hasn't left my side. Johnny has been a big help, bringing us food, taking care of everything Jack can't. Dr. Ludwig has been staying with us making sure everything was okay. J won't look at her probably because she is one of the few people who saw him vulnerable. She has demanded bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. When I protested it, J snapped.

"You fucking died Rosalie. I lost you and our children. You fucking died. By some miracle that we can't fathom, you came back. Don't push it." He warned. That shut me up.

I found out that Harley and Ivy escaped so J has been sleeping with his gun within reach and having men tear the city apart. I only feel bad for Ivy, but even then that pity doesn't go deep.

J came in looking excited. It was the first he has left me and it was only for half an hour. "Alright baby girl, I got something special planned so let's get you ready." When he saw my face get excited he added "don't get too excited, you aren't going far." My face fell for a second but then he started to undress me, making me light up again. He went to the adjourning bathroom and ran water. He came out naked and picked me up.

I was still amazed he could pick me up with such grace and ease. I felt like I was getting bigger with each passing day. We got into the bath and relaxed in silence. He sat behind me while I layed back on his chest. He gently washed me and I started to feel sleepy. He started humming, the same tune that he hummed when I had my panic attack. I had not realized how stressed I had been until now. I let all the tension ooze from me. After what had to be at least an hour, J dried me off and put a black silk robe around me.

"I will have your clothes on the bed" He told me as he threw on sweats and a t shirt. "I have someone coming to help you with your hair and makeup, I think she is downstairs so I will go and get her."I looked at him confused and he just smiled, kissing me on the forehead and making sure I was seated comfortably on my vanity chair.

After a few minutes, I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "Come in." I tell the person. A tall girl with brown hair in a high ponytail came in. She had a hard look about her but soon to prove to be bubbly.

"Hiya! I'm Johnny's sister Amanda. I'm a beautician. Now lets see what we can do." She came in and dumped the contents of her case on the counter, plugging in various hair styling tools and setting up makeup.

She was a nonstop talker. Completely different from her brother. I liked her immediately and could see myself being friends with her. She was tough as nails telling me story after story about 'putting bitches in their place' making me laugh. She also told me funny stories about Johnny making me unable to look at him the same again.

"Yeah Johnny is great. He has been taking care of me and my daughter Amelia since the day I found out I was pregnant and her good for nothing sperm donor left me. Johnny has always taken care of me so it wasn't a surprise but I just thought he would be like the rest of my family, telling me to have an abortion. Johnny just accepted I wanted her and made it possible. She adores him." I wasn't surprised by this. Johnny seemed to have a soft spot for youngins.

"How old is your daughter?" I ask her.

"She will be two in a month. When are you due?" She asked.

"In two months." I smile as I tell her.

"Damn girl, you still got awhile yet you look ready to pop!" Not the first time I heard this. I sigh.

"It's twins." I tell her and get a look of sympathy from her causing me to laugh. We end up talking each others ears off. The she finishes and I am stunned by the woman looking back at me. I look stunning. My makeup in light and natural, my hair is down and cascades down as curls. Amanda says her goodbyes but not before making sure we exchange numbers.

I am happy to finally have a friend, especially one that J seems to trust since he left me alone with her. I go to the bedroom and everything falls together. J's excitement, hiring a beautician, and the white dress on the bed. Today is my wedding day. I try not to cry and ruin my makeup so I start counting in my head as I get ready.

The dress is gorgeous with lace long sleeves and an empire waist. The gown feels silky and touches the floor. There are white sandals on the bed and slip them on thankful that J considered my achy and swollen feet. There is a knock on the bedroom door. No! J isn't supposed to see me till we meet at the altar.

"Hey Rosie, it's Johnny." I smile, J was even thoughtful about that. He must have been planning pretty hard.

"Come in Johnny, I am all ready." He walks in and smiles at my appearance.

"I tried to convince him you needed a veil but he was adamant about not wanting your face covered. We both know how stubborn he is." He says causing me to laugh. Yes, I did know. "And since you are supposed to be in bed rest, he made sure to clear everything with the doctor. The ceremony will be quick and you will be sitting in no time. He also insists that I walk you down the aisle." He looks uncomfortable at the last part and adds "I hope you don't mind, but I would be honored."  

The thought stings. There is only one person other than Johnny I would want for the role. I always imagined my grandpa being here for me, he would make jokes about the groom telling me I am too good for him and asking if he needed to bust me out. My heart aches with missing him but I look at Johnny and smile taking his arm.

    He leads me downstairs and out the back patio door. I gasp at the scene in front of me. Everything was purple and green, flowers, ribbons, all scattered around the yard. Amanda was standing in a purple dress and J was in fancy black and white tux, though he wasn't facing me. Dr. Ludwig was sitting on a chair covered in purple and green ribbons. There were several empty chairs similar looking. She was in her typical pant suit. I realized Johnny was wearing a green tie when he handed me a bouquet of purple flowers. A man I didn't recognize stood next to J looking nervous.

    When everyone's attention turned to me, J turned around. His face looked stunned and for a second I could see how he sees me. I have never felt more beautiful. I must have been in a daze because next thing I know, Johnny had me next to J and is handing me off to him. I look at Amanda and smile.

    "I hope you don't mind, I thought you might want a bridesmaid." I smile and nod, a loss for word.

    I turn and face J, he gives me that look that has me feeling like I am his whole world. I can't look away from his eyes and the officiant's words never reach my ears. I don't hear anything until it is J speaking.

"I, Jack Napier, promise to love and cherish you for eternity. I vow to always protect you, to kill those who dare try and harm you. I vow to put you before all else and to make sure you want for nothing. I will carry you when you can't walk, I will wipe away every tear, I will tend to you when you are sick. My love for you will never die, even if I do." The tears were streaming down my face. It wasn't fair. Women struggle with not crying on their wedding plus add pregnancy hormones and I am just a mess.  J, pulls out a handkerchief and wipes my cheeks gently.

"I, Rosalie Belle Vassalio Blake, vow to bring light to your darkness. I vow that I will bring laughter and life to our home. I will be the person you can let your guard down and lean on. I vow to always take care of you. I promise to be your and yours alone for all of eternity. I vow to never look at you in fear and only with love. I will love you forever, Jack." I vow to him and even his eyes look watery but he hold it in, not letting anyone see. Forever my strong man.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The officiant seems less nervous. His mistake because Joker shoots him before grabbing me and swooping me into a passionate kiss. What is a wedding to the Joker without murder?

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