Chapter Sixteen

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Rosalie's POV

I had moved to Bludhaven with Dick a month ago. We are roommates, well more like he babysits me. I am not allowed out much, and definitely never without him. He is good company but it is very annoying. It's like he is waiting for me to explode at any moment. Bruce reports that the Joker has been quiet, it's like he is better without me. Great. So much for all that 'mine' crap. What pisses me off more is that I miss him. I also feel like I am in a freaking prison again. I can't leave, can't have a phone, there is no TV to watch, and they lock up the computer from me.

'God what is that smell?' I thought to myself. It was awful and making me nauseous. I decide to shower. I relax in the shower and try to refrain from memories of sharing a shower with a certain someone. I exit the bathroom not watching where I am going and bump into Dick. I slip and he comes down with me. He catches himself before crushing me but he hovers and stairs at my lips hungrily. Finally his lips meld into mine. It's a good kiss, really good and I even respond, but there are no tingles, no fireworks, or explosions.

I had noticed him staring before. He takes injections so I don;t know his emotions but I could just see it. He always seems sad about keeping me locked up and I have heard him go off on Bruce on numerous occasions.

Being with Dick could be good, I think to myself as his hand wraps around my thigh. I am in nothing but my towel and his body grinds up against mine. It feels so good, but not as good as Mr. J. Joker doesn't want me though and this man does. This man protected me when Joker gave up.

Do to the moving and grinding my towel falls away and Dick pulls back and looks at me like it's Christmas. That is until he sees the uncertainty in my eyes. He then pulls the towel back and tucks it in, helping me back up



We both try apologizing at the same time and laugh.

"I'm sorry, I am just still healing." I tell him. I don't think I could fully ever emotionally heal, but if this was going somewhere, I don't want to feel like I am betraying Mr. J.

"No, no, don't be sorry. That all happened really fast. But how bout this; Bruce is having a ball in a two weeks. Can that be our first date?" He asked nervously.

"Sure, that sounds perfect." I reply with a small smile.

A week passes. That smell seems to not leave the apartment and I have thrown up a couple times due to it. I'm not eating well and I feel like I have the flu. Dick is getting worried since I haven't left my room much, he tries to get me to eat but I can't. I need to shower. I smell disgusting.

I stand to get up and feel dizzy. I try walking but notice everything going dark. I try to yell for Dick but can't get the words out. I feel my head hit the floor but I am too tired to care.

I wake up in a hospital bed. It's like deja vu with Dick holding my hand, except we are in an actual hospital and not the bat cave. I feel better than I have all week, sleepy, but stronger and actually hungry.

"Hey there, you gave me quite a scare. I came in to get you for dinner and you were on the floor. I got you here as soon as possible. They ran some tests but won't tell me anything." Dick looked frustrated and it must have been a long day. I must have been out for a few hours. It was around lunch when I fainted, but I decide not to let him know.

"I actually feel much better than I have all week. I am even hungry. " Dick looks surprised knowing that I have been denying all food. Before he can respond, a doctor comes in.

"Hello Ms. Blake. I am Dr. Knightly. How are you feeling?" She asks. She is an older woman with blond hair and kind eyes.

"Much better, thank you." I reply sincerely.

"You're welcome. I have your results. Are you two together?" She motions between Dick and I.

"Yes" He says. At the same time I say "No". Causing an awkward silence.

The doctor breaks it by asking him to leave the room. He leaves looking upset and I rejoice at being left for once. The doctor comes to sit by me and asks "When was your last period?" I think back, well I was with Mr. J.

"Um about two months ago?" I have irregular ones though and have gone a year without them before.

"Well it's not just irregularity. You are pregnant." That was absolutely the last thing I expected. She's joking. This is one big joke.

"That is impossible." I whisper.

"Well did you have sex two months ago?" She asked almost condescendingly.

"Yes, but I was told I was unable to have anymore kids." My voice cracks and my eyes filled with tears.

"Oh you have a child already?" She asked.

"No, the baby died at 8 weeks when I was in an accident. Damaged was caused to my uterus and I was told that kids would not be in my future." I am still in shock.

"How long ago was that? Maybe some of it healed?" She seemed to be confused too and made a note on a chart.  

"I was 16, so 9 years ago." Not all the ECT in the world could let me forget that moment. The man I loved leaving me hurt, but losing the baby killed something inside me.

"Okay I am going to run some tests and make sure everything is alright, but it sounds like you may be 8-10 weeks along. Should I go tell the father?" She asked seeing that I wasn't in a great state.

"No! He's not the father. Please don't tell him." I begged.

"Okay hun, I will make sure he stays out there, is there anything I can get you?" She looked worried and concerned.

"Can I use a phone?" I asked. I had to tell him, had to get a hold of him.

"Of course, it's on the wall. I will make sure the young man stays out by saying you are prepping for an examine." She stated. I was so thankful for her help. She walked out and I ran to the phone.

I dialed his number and it rang, over and over and when to voicemail. Shit. I can't leave it on a voicemail, so he could what? Call the hospital back and harass them. Wait! I will call Johnny. Thank god, Mr. J made me memorize his number.

Ring, ring, ring

"Hello?" He answered.

"Johnny, it Rosalie. I need to speak to Mr. J, I don't have much time." I rushed knowing Dick would come in soon.

"Holy shit, Rosie, are you alright? Where are you?" He asked worriedly. Well at least someone had been worried. I could hear him shuffling.

"Nightwing and Batman have kept me under watch. I wouldn't have bothered you guys if it wasn't important. I know he hasn't been looking for me and doesn't want me but he needs to know everything before making that decision." Come on Johnny, get to him. I need to tell him.

"What do you mean he hasn't been looking for you? We have been going nuts-Here he is." He quickly gave Mr. J the phone and I could hear him tell him who it was. I was expecting him to hang up.

"Rosalie! Where are you? I am on my way. Are you okay? Why are you calling from a hospital-" I could hear the men supply the information in the background "in Bludhaven?! Are you hurt? Did those bastards do anything to you?" He sounded frantic and worried which made me confused. My chest had a pang from hearing his voice.

"Look I know we were over with and that you don't want me anymore but you need to know." The door starts to open and Dick looks at me. My eyes wide with shock and I quickly finish "I'm 8 weeks pregnant". Dick grabs the phone and slams it on the receiver. His eyes wide with hurt and shock.

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