Chapter Twenty Three

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Joker's POV

    After we get ready for the day, I give her a credit card and a laptop and tell her to go crazy. She looked at me confused so I elaborated. "We need baby stuff times two, baby. Plus you will probably need those pregnant lady clothes. Just get whatever you want love." She immediately started to frantically list everything we needed causing me to laugh.

    I kissed her forehead and told her "I won't be home till late tonight or tomorrow morning. Please keep your phone on you. You know where all the guns are throughout the house. I love you." I am about to walk out when I hear her running toward me, I turn and grab her. Her legs go around my waist and she kisses me.

    "I love you too. Oh but don't forget, we need to find a doctor quickly. I am supposed to have visits regularly. Plus, you didn't get to hear the heart beats like I did." She makes it sound like the most exciting thing ever and I smile but don't really see the big deal.

    "I will have Johnny find someone and we will have one for you this week." I promise to her before exiting. I have to remind myself that she is a woman capable of handling herself. It's hard when I look at her though, she is so tiny and innocent, you would never imagine she could be deadly. When that purple energy occurs, she radiates power and lethality. It is incredibly sexy.

    I meet with Johnny and he updates me on business. I inform him on his new task of finding a doctor for Rosie. He and I start preparing for tonight. After assigning some of my men to stay with Rosie (making sure they all know the consequences if they even LOOK at her), the rest of us go to one of my secret warehouses and discuss our game plan for tonight. I am fantasizing about how I will torture to gain information from this Russo. The rest of the men will just be killed on spot.

    Once the sun had set we were on our way to the location where the bastard was based. I could see a light on, I had my men go to the other entrances of the building as Johnny and I strutted through the front door. I tried not to hide my surprise when I saw only one man sitting there. It was Russo based on the recon pictures I have seen.

    I laughed manically "All alone I see, Mr. Russo." The man was bulky and short with dark hair and tan skin.

    "You must be little Rosie's boyfriend. I have heard...interesting things about you, Mr. Joker. May I call you Mr. Joker?" He smirked. I hated this guy instantly. The way he chose my Rosalie's nickname, the way he said it slowly, the way he tried to tease me.

    My laugh became darker "Oh boy, you and I are going to have some fun."

    "Like how Rosie and I used to have fun? Sorry but you aren't really my type." He laughed but I was angry deep to my core. I was trying not to let it show. I needed information.

    "Oh you two knew each other? Funny, she never mentioned you." There. That seemed to upset him.

    "She loved me more than she will ever love you!" He yelled. No, this can't be.

    "How old are you?" I asked, there is no way. He left her. He left her and a child behind. Why would he come looking for her again.

    He smiled at my question satisfied "Thirty-eight." Thirteen years older than her. It was him. My chest hurt. What would she do if she knew he was back? Would she run into his arms? Would she leave me? What about our babies? What would happen?

    I need to kill him and kill him now. Fuck interrogating him, fuck letting him live. I raise my gun getting ready to shoot him in his head. He just looks calm making me confused. "Aren't you curious where my men are, Mr. Joker?" Making me hesitate but not ask.

    "Boss we have a problem." Johnny interrupts and Russo laughs. "Security has been triggered at the house and I can't reach the men. I tried reaching Rosie but no luck." My eyes shoot to Russo who is laughing hysterically.

    "Well, looks like my men have made it to your house. It's time to bring my girl to me." I almost fucking end him for trying to claim she is his. Johnny is quick though and blocking me as he walks and knocks the prick out. My men tie him up and I am rushing to my car as they get him together, but I don't wait. Even my lambo isn't going fast enough. I cuss and hit the steering wheel. I leave the car running in the driveway and rush through the front door that is already ajar.

    The scene is horrifying. Blood and carnage everywhere and my girl is nowhere in sight. I scream her name and fall to my knees.

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