Chapter Twenty Five

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Joker's POV

    Rosalie's on the ground screaming, definitely not the reaction I expected. I am trying to pick her up but she is hysteric and fighting me. I here the fucking bastard say "Awl she does remember me. I am so flattered. Honey, we are going to get out of here and have some fun." This made Rosie try to run and Johnny knock him out.

    "Get me away from him! Get me away! Get him out of my house!!!" She is screaming and sobbing. I am holding her tightly and the house starts shaking. I look around and me and her are surrounded in purple energy. Johnny is quick thinking and fights through the energy and he looks to be in pain, but he keeps going and hits her with a tranquilizer.

    The energy fades and Johnny falls to the floor. I need to give him a raise. Rosalie is silent and I loosen my grip. She is barely awake and her eyes are glassy. She is looking at me desperately and whispering "It's him, it's him, J. Keep him away." She finally dozes off and I relax.

    I tell the men "Take him down to the basement, lock him up good, and I want around the clock eyes on him through someone monitoring the cameras." They quickly gathered him up and took him down. Johnny was groaning and getting up slowly.

    "Boss, you have one hell of a woman. Don't get on her bad side, it's extremely painful he jokes." He jokes even though he isn't looking too hot,

    "That she is, Frost. I wonder why it didn't hurt me though." Frost nods in wonder.

    "I will have this place cleaned my morning." Frost says eventually.

    "Expect a big fat raise coming your way, Johnny boy." Frost smiles at this and walks away while taking out his phone.

    I take my girl upstairs to our bed. I change her so she is wearing one of my button up shirts and fresh underwear. I hold her as she sleeps, but my I never fall asleep. I worry about what could have happened to her. I worry about her powers; could they hurt her if she lost control? Could it hurt our children? What if people found out? They would hunt her down and use her. I feel a pang in my chest, because that is exactly how this all started. Then I worry about her reaction to Russo. That is not the reaction of seeing her first love. Of course, her feeling could be scrambled thanks to ECT.

    She wakes up after a few hours and looks instantly fearful. "Where is he, J?" I am unsettled by how much fear is in her. "Where is he?" She insists when I don't answer.

    I finally say something "He is locked up in the torture room in the basement." She panics and I am afraid she will have another attack.

    Instead she starts pleading. "Kill him, kill him and get his body far from here. Please, J. I beg you, please, please, please. Get him far from me and my children." She is holding her stomach and crying.

    "You don't have feelings for him?" I let my worry slip out without thinking. She looks like I just slapped her and her face is full of pain.

    "Me? Have feelings for him?! All I will feel for him is a hatred deeper than anyone could ever have." My face is confused, making her face confused. "J, I thought you of all people would want to rip him apart for what he did to me. Go, do it. I am not holding you back."

    "I mean yeah he is an asshole for breaking your heart and leaving you alone with a baby.  I was just worried you may want to be with him instead of me since he was your first love." She gets stock still. I have never seen her so cold and calm. She was just near hysterics, now she is someone I barely recognize. She gets up and takes off, I try to keep up but fuck she is quick, I have never seen her move so fast and it looks like no effort is put in. We make it to the torture room and Russo is asleep.

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