Chapter Ten

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Rosalie's POV

I missed him. He has been gone two days and I miss him like crazy. Maybe I have an attachment disorder of some sort since I just met him but I cannot help but long for him. The smell of him on his pillows is the comfort I miss.

I haven't left the room like he asked and I sleep a lot. I got to go shopping and it was so much fun. Frederick creeped me out and stared at me intently the whole time and I chalked it up to him being my bodyguard but I think he insists on him being the one to bring me food and check on me. Another man brought me breakfast this morning and I heard him go off on him for it. When I heard him say "she's mine" that's when I checked his feelings and I had to go throw up. It was wave after wave of lust, hate, and possessiveness. I have never felt anything like it before. So I make sure to make very little noise and stay in the room.

I have been watching a marathon of this show called Supernatural, it's pretty good but the marathon is almost over. After it left me on a cliffhanger, I start channel surfing and that's when I see it. Its Mr. J! I freak out thinking something happened to him but find out that isn't the case. I get sick to my stomach finding out that on the same night he saved me, he had people burn down an orphanage full of sleeping children. 9 children and 2 adults died. I cried. I can handle violence, hell I grew up into it and became it. I have many deaths on my conscience but when it comes to children, I can't. I love children, they are so innocent and have yet to live yet. I can't snuff out a life that hasn't even started.

But the man I am falling for, he does not care. I suspected him not to be the white knight I initially thought after he shot Jones in the leg but he was still my hero. According to the news he is a terrible villain that has done unspeakable things. The program then goes on to talk about his enemy, Batman, who is some kind of hero to the city. That was who they were talking about. Then it talks about Joker's old accomplice and lover Harley Quinn, who hasn't been seen in over a year. That hurts unexpectedly. I am insanely jealous about her. He never mentioned her and yet I poured out my heart to him!

I am so conflicted. I have some serious feelings for this man and I haven't felt this way since I was 16. I can handle bad men, I am familiar with it but he crosses the line. I lay in bed for awhile until I fall asleep crying.

I wake up and I am instantly overwhelmed, I need fresh air and I need it now before I have a panic attack. I feel around to try and find someone to take me outside and...nothing. No one is here. I get up and walk downstairs not finding anyone. I find a door that leads to a backyard and see a chair on a patio. I'll sit there, it looks comfy. I go to open the door and I am pulled back harshly.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO LEAVE ME?" Its Frederick. He's got a type grip on me and forcing me back to the living room. I try to explain that I wasn't leaving but he punches me in the face hard. Oh man, this fucker is dumb. I look up slowly and when he sees it, he looks scared and yells "BLUE".

He tries to grab me and I duck and swipe my leg low, knocking him down. I wrap my hands around his throat while straddling his torso. He struggles and I lift his head up and slam it to the ground hard. That's when I feel a prick in my neck. Mother fuckers have the same medicines as the scientist. My anger fights the tranquilizer and I try to subdue the second guy.

I roundhouse him and knock him back but I am getting weaker. Dark purple energy swirls starts surrounding me and wraps itself around the two men and they start screaming. What I didn't notice was three more guys who jump me and each stab me with three more needles.

I am out like a light.

I wake up to something cold on my back. I am still weak and everything is blurry. I can't make out what they are saying but it sounds threatening. So what do I do? I fucking laugh, and I laugh hard. "HAHAHAHAHA". That's when I taste leather in my mouth and feel electricity in my body starting at my temples and wrapping around all of my nerves. Oh god it hurts so bad, the tranquilizers doing nothing to dull the pain. I start having flashbacks to the dozens of times I have been through this and beg for it to stop.

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