Chapter Three

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Joker's POV

Tonight is the big night. I have had my inside people recently discover something hidden underneath Wayne Enterprises. Its called Project X. Very very mysterious...what has Brucey been up too? We assume based off how all record are off the books and little information is found that it is weapons for his alter ego...the one and only Batman! Whatever it is, there are lots of scientist working there. One was captured and tortured easily enough. He informed us of a very powerful and expensive weapon hidden down in the sublevels of the building. He wouldn't say much more but informed me it would be wise to take the medicines in storage A and B since they were injections of some kind. I got carried away and he died before saying more...oh well, I assume it is something similar to the Titan formula and will help me create stronger and better henchmen. Even if it wasn't, if it's something Batman wants, then I must have it so he doesn't hahaha. I must have laughed out loud by the looks my men were giving me.

Frost approached me. "SIr we have gained the access codes for the day. We must enter before midnight because they will change then." I look at the clock and it's nearly 11PM.

"Well gentlemen, let's get a move on. We wouldn't want to be late! You boys know what to do." Two groups split up, one going to the Orphanage across town to set a fire so that Batman will be busy and my group heading to Wayne Enterprises. They take one black van and we take two knowing that we will be carrying at least boxes of this formula along with any other juicy weapons that may be there.

We use the keycard from the scientist we interrogated since it would buy more time by looking less suspicious that using explosives to enter the building. We head to what looks like an elevator that is shut down for service, knowing that it is the one that leads down and not up. Frost and two men go first with me. Frost types in the numbers. We reach black double doors that are locked. "Hmm the good old scientist didn't mention matter!" I throw an explosive on it and cover my ears, laughing at my henchmens' expressions of not being warned. Frost remains unfazed as usual.

I look around the room and see computers and what looks like torture devices. It surprisingly looks more dangerous than the torture room in my basement. "Oh Bats! You do have a dark side! What have you been up to..." There is an ever familiar ECT machine and I shiver at the thought of electricity through my bones. Then there is this huge tank of water with shackles on the bottom. I see a bed that has retractable spikes. I see various other contraptions that one can be tied down and tortured to. "Oh boy we should have brought a Semi! It's like Christmas here! I notice Frost, as ever the efficient one has found the closet of this formula and more men have came to load it up. He also has his gun pointed to someone on his knees. Looks like a security guard.

"Oooh look what we have here... where did this little guy come from?" The man shakes and trembles but quickly and nervously glances at what appears to be two large shipping containers pushed together. At the side there looks to be a heavy door that was installed. Curiosity got the best of me and I approached it to find it unlocked. I opened it to find a scene that blinded me with unexpected rage.

There was a small girl on the floor trying to fight consciousness. Her shirt was pulled up exposing her breasts and a pile of cloth I assume was her pants thrown to the side. Her panties down by her ankles. The man above his pants about to remove his boxers. I didn't think and just raised my gun in rage and shot him between the eyes, thankfully he fell backwards and not on top of her. The other men turned towards me and I quickly shot them as well. I went over to the girl cautiously. The view was not obscured by that fat prick finally and I caught my breath. She was stunning. Her hair was wet but jet black surrounding her head in waves. She looked pale and fragile and could only be around five feet tall. She was soft, not bone jutting skinny and not fat but soft and well endowed in the chest area. At that thought, I quickly pulled her shirt down and pulled her panties up. Immediately seeing red when I saw a bleeding cut on her thigh.

She was coming to again and looked around. Maybe she was having trouble seeing by the way she was squinting, but she definitely figured out the scene. Then she did the unexpected...she giggled. I didn't realize I was holding her hand till I felt her squeeze it.

She looked at me with wide eye. I didn't think she could be more beautiful until I saw those eyes...They were so bright and looked silver. She slurred her speech a little "Thank you! My hero!" she dramatically threw her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek and then passed out in my arms, forcing me to hold her. She smelled like cupcakes, so sweet and delicious.

I was staring at her in curiosity. Just curiosity, nothing else. I'm the Joker for Christ's sakes. I phase beautiful women...then kill them. They don't phase me. I wonder if she knows who I am? How long has she been here? Why is she here? Then a sick though hit me...were those torture machines for her?

Frost came over "Boss we don't have much time. I lost communications with our other team. Seems there is no service here and we don't want to risk..." he trailed off when I stood and turned around revealing the small girl in my arms. Luckily he knew better to ask any questions, though I growled at his trailing gaze over her.

"Let's go" I said gruffly pushing past him with the girl in my arms. I saw the men starting to pack up one of the torture devices and quickly snapped at him "Leave it". We headed up the elevator and out the doors. One van was already gone, I assume it took off with the formula. I laid the girl in the back of the other van, reluctant to leave her to go to the front passenger seat. Frost started the van up and we took off.

Looks like Batsy got preoccupied with the orphans and couldn't make it in time, I grinned at the thought. We arrived at the mansion outside Gotham and I carried the girl up to my room. She looked so peaceful, her lips partly open looked so delectable with their dark pink shade that I wanted to kiss them. Instead, I settled for her cheek, she kissed me there first anyways so I assume it was fair game. She moaned and smiled into the kiss, never waking up. It made my chest ache with an odd feeling. I sat on the armchair in the room working on my laptop until I must have drifted off.

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