Chapter Eighteen

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Rosalie's POV

It has been a week since I found out that I am pregnant with twins. The doctor saw no damage to my uterus, it confused me but I just assumed it had something to do with all the testing and such the scientist did. It wasn't the first time I healed fast.

Dick was furious with me. We had to leave Bludhaven since we knew they would come for me there. Lo and behold, Dick informed me that the hospital had been attacked by Joker's men. We came back to Wayne manor and Dick had just told Bruce that we received word that Joker was on our tail, the attack further supported the mistruth.

I am thankful that Dick has not said anything about the pregnancy, but I feel like I am walking on eggshells, just waiting for him to say something to Bruce. I just avoid them both for the most part. I lay in bed mostly thinking about Mr. J. I smile knowing that he really has been looking for me. It makes me angry that Dick and Bruce have been lying to me. I wonder if he has been looking for me since he found out that I am pregnant. Maybe he doesn't want me, maybe he doesn't want to be a dad.

I have decided this is going to happen. I am going to find a way out of here soon and get myself established. I will raise these babies on my own if I have to. I just hope that their dad comes around. Before I told him about my feelings, he was sweet, caring, thoughtful, and protective. That Mr. J would make one hell of a father.

There is a knock on my door. "Come in" I sing. It's Dick and he has a garment bag and a shoe box.

"Hey, I got you something to wear tonight. Since you are on lockdown." He jokes.

"I'm always on lockdown, Dick. I signed away my freedom years ago." I said trying to joke but it came out sad.

"I really wish you would tell me why you need protection so badly. We could help better. I mean you aren't scared of one of the worst villains, hell you are in love with him!" He said agitatedly. "So how bad is this thing that can scare even you and have you running and hiding?"

"Pretty fucking bad." I said finally. I want this conversation over with. I am still angry at Dick for lying to me.

"Well I will come by at 7 to pick you up, make sure to get pretty for me." he winks and runs out before I can reply. He seriously thinks he is going to be my date still?! He lied to me! And I am pregnant with his enemy's children. What an idiot.

I do end up trying to look somewhat decent. My hair is loosely up and curly tendrils are falling down. My gown is form fitting and flows to the ground, training behind me slightly. Its emerald with a sweetheart top and a silver band that goes under my bust and around my neck. The back of it is very low stopping right before my ass. My makeup is dark as usual. Dark smoky eyeshadow, thick liner that I winged out, and a dark red/maroon lipstick.

As I am fastening my strappy silver shoes, Dick comes in since my door is open. "My lady." He bows. His jaw drops when I finally stand.

"You do know I am not your date right?" I ask with an attitude. He sighs and rubs his hand through his dark hair.

"Yes, I figured that would be the case since now you are carrying the clown spawns." He says bitterly. I am about to go off on him when he says "Bruce has made me your personal bodyguard tonight. He is afraid the Joker may try something..."

There is only one reason why he would think that "You didn't, please say you didn't tell him." I start to get desperate. I start planning and calculating. I am going to have to get away from Dick tonight and escape. Because if Bruce know then..."How long till he has the doctor come and terminate it?" My eyes tear up for affect.

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