Chapter Fifteen

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Joker's POV

I left her.

I left her with the man that imprisoned her for five years. I knew they would be to distracted by her to follow me. She didn't look good. Her leg was an an awkward angle indicating a broken leg, she flinched when she took a breath indicating broken ribs, and she had road burn all over.

    I did that to her. I couldn't get her image out of my head. The hurt in her eyes when I kissed the waitress, the pain she had laying in the middle of the road, the hurt of me rejecting her after she told me she loved me.

    That's what I wanted was for her to love me, so why did I punish her for it? If I wasn't such an asshole, we would be laying in bed together right now. I would wake up to her smile and know I had someone so full of life completely devoted to me.

    I need to find her. I get to the mansion and I break everything in sight on my way to our-well i guess now just mine- bedroom. I throw everything around, the room smells like her. I take my knife out and slash the bedding and pillows. I break the mirror in the bathroom with my fist. Then I see her phone on the bed. God damnit! Now I can't trace her phone. I pick it up ready to throw it when it lights up and I see a picture of us. She looks so happy smiling at the camera and my lips are pressed against her cheek.

    I put the phone in my pocket and then continue my rampage. I make it to my dresser and pull out a long black box. It was a necklace set in platinum with a platinum chain. The pendant was blue topaz that was the closest to my eye color I could get and shaped like a heart. I have been waiting to give her this. It even had a tracker in it so that if she was taken, I could find her. If only I would have done things differently tonight. I fell to my knees and dreamt of what could have been .

    I don't know how long I was there when Frost found me. "Sir, how should we proceed?" Is he dumb? I want her found!

    "Our number one priority is finding her. I want people looking for her around the clock." I missed her and I wanted her back soon.

Rosalie's POV

I woke up in a lot of pain. I was on a hospital like bed with an IV in my arm. I had a cast on my leg and I felt wrapped like a mummy around my torso. I looked to be in a large cave, the ceiling was so high. Someone was holding my hand and I turned hopeful to see Mr. J. Instead it was someone very unexpected.

"Dick? What are you doing here? Why am I here? Where exactly is here? Where is Mr. J?" I started to get panicky and there was beeping on the monitor.

"Woah there darling, one question at a time and calm down. Your heart rate is off the charts." He started rubbing circles on my hand as I took deep breaths. When I looked back at him I asked again.

"Please tell me what is going on Dick?" I asked pleadingly. He looked unsure about telling me.

"I'm not sure if I am allowed" I let the tears come to my eyes to hopefully encourage him to tell me. "Fine. You are in the Bat cave. Batman and Nightwing saved you. Bruce and I are going to take care of you. YOu were seriously injured when we found you. The Joker hit your motorcycle and you flew off. We found him crouched over your body and you crying. You are safe from him now. He was the one who took you out of the facility two months ago."

When everything hit me, I started freaking out. I screamed "I'M NOT GOING BACK! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" I started thrashing and sent the monitor beeping again. Bruce came in and that cause me to scream more.

"You aren't going back there Rose. No one is letting the Joker get his hands on you again" Dick said trying to comfort me. What the hell? No, that's my home. I tried telling him this but apparently Bruce had put a sedative in my IV and it was kicking in. I was then out cold.

    Bruce was with me when I woke up this time. I put the situation together in my head and figured it out. "So I guess you are Batman and Dick is Nightwing? Unless you guys can alter your heights?"

    Bruce looked unsurprised but did not confirm or deny. "And I guess you are in love with the Joker. How long was it before he broke your heart?" Ouch. Guess I deserved that one.

    "He saved me from that facility, Bruce. YOUR facility. I was so alone and miserable there. You took away anyone kind to me. I know why you hid the date and time all those years. Two year study, right? Try five fucking years. You deceived me." I replied bitterly.

    He looked guilty and upset. "I never meant this life for you, but when the experiment went wrong, we needed to contain you. You lied about your mental health, it may have saved your life but it made you the most unpredictable."

    I just glared at him but he continued. "He is just using you as a weapon you are nothing but an object to him. One that he can discard. He left you there for dead, Rosalie." He had pity in his voice.

    Tears filled my eyes and I looked down. "I know" I whispered. "He tricked me. I knew he did bad things but I thought I was an exception. He was so sweet to me and acted like he cared about me. But then when I told him I loved him, he snapped. I saw his true colors."

    Bruce put his hand on mine and he said "I am so sorry this happened to you. For now on, I will give you the life you deserve with protection."

    I turned over and cried myself to sleep.

    Over the next week, I healed. Emotionally and physically. Dick and Bruce helped me physically and tried emotionally but I couldn't laugh or smile. Bruce tried to get information about the Joker. All I knew was where he lived and I lied saying he always blindfolded me. Bruce was getting frustrated but Dick kept him off my back.

    I kept asking if the Joker was looking for me and they kept telling me 'no'. That broke my heart more. Not only was I an object to him, I wasn't even an important one. One particular day, Bruce was fed up with my question and lack of providing answers. So he decided to hurt me.

    "Did he ever tell you about Harley?" He snapped.  I shook my head and he continued. "She was a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. She was assigned to the Joker. They fell madly in love with each other and she broke him out of there. He tortured her and she still loved him. Dropped her in the same vat of acid at ACE Chemicals that he fell into and made him into the psychopath he is today. They started a partnership of crime. He beat her so bad and abused her so much that she couldn't take it anymore. She snuck away and never returned for him."

    Is that what he was planning with me? Turn me into a sidekick for him and then break me? It hurt to think of him loving another woman. I started feeling sick and nauseous. "Can I please get away from Gotham?" I asked in a soft voice.

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