Chapter Five

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Joker's POV

Oh man this is too good to be true! She has no idea I am a villain and no idea of the devious things I have done. I left her alone to shower in the attached bathroom even though my body wishes I would have followed her. I left her some of my sweatpants and a Tshirt of mine on the bed so she had something to wear.

I quickly went downstairs to where some of my men were. I whistled for them all to come join me and walked off to my office. I went to sit in the leather chair behind the desk while they gathered around in front.

"So here is what is going on. The girl has been off the grid for five years which could be useful. I am going to make this girl submit and fall for me, then I will proceed to use her and corrupt her, finally I will break her heart and dump her right off to Batsy or kill her. I haven't decided, it looks like he was doing a grand old job at making her miserable so it may just be too kind to kill her." This was going to be such a wonderful joke; I will get to have her in anyway I want and dump her when I was done. "Frost, make sure that you get the formula to our scientists so that they can figure out what all we have. Looks to be a few different types of formulas. Also be prepared to take her shopping tomorrow, she will need to be prepared to stay for awhile."

Frost nodded and the men took the hint of me turning around to look out the big window behind me to exit. I heard the door shut. I don't know how long I was sitting there zoning out at the view until I heard the light shuffling of feet. I had a smile on my face when I turned around that only grew when I took in her appearance. She looked like she was drowning in my clothes. It's hard to believe she is 25, she looks so young. Maybe not seeing the sun for 5 years would do that. It was comical to see my pants on her, they were so long and fell past her feet. I'm surprised she didn't trip. I frowned at the thought of her tripping down the stairs.

I became confused as to how she found me in this big mansion and jealous at the thought of her talking to my men even if it was just to find me. "How did you find me?"

She looked down at her feet and looked shy and unsure. "Um..I kind of felt you...". What? What does she mean? She must of seen my confusion because she continued on. "I am an empath. I can feel people's presence based off their emotion. I mean my range isn't huge but I can at least tell who is in the house and to find them I simply focus on their emotion and it gets stronger as I get closer." She was finally looking up at me nervously.

Oh no she does not need to be feeling what I feel. It could give away my plan. It could even drive her insane and for some reason, that is not something I wanted for her. I frowned at my uncharacteristic thoughts. "What emotion did you feel from me?"

She looked perplexed "That's the weird thing. I only feel your presence. It's like your emotions are muted so bad that I can't name them. It makes finding you a little more difficult. I have never experienced it before. I have had people able to mute their emotions before by using injections but when they did it, it hurt to focus on them and it was as if everything was scrambled and fuzzy. Yours is a lot more comfortable."

This was an interesting turn of events. The injections must have been one of those formulas. "What else can you do as an empath?" This may prove to be useful.

She hesitated before taking a breath "I can influence emotion. I can push emotions on people for various purposes." At my wide look she quickly said "You may be an exception to this. I haven't tried. You saved my life, it would be rude to try and manipulate you. The injections also prevent them receiving the emotions I push."

Oh boy this could be very bad or very good. I will need to manipulate this girl and definitely weaken her before crossing her. I wonder if I am an exception "Try it on my."

She looked shocked but quickly locked eyes with me. They were so beautiful. I tried to notice any other feeling but they were the same as when I have stared at her any other time. She looked frustrated and came closer and grabbed my hand. I'd be mad at her for touching me so but she just felt so warm. Finally she sighed and asked "did you feel ANYTHING at all?"   

    "No I did not feel different. Wha-". We were cut off by a knock at the door. "Come in" I didn't mask the annoyance in my voice.

Frost came in and looked stressed. I rarely see him break his poker face and I can attest to him seeing some pretty extreme things. It caused me to stand up and demand "What's wrong? What's going on?"

"That's just it boss. We don't know. One minute we were just sitting in the living room and the next we all started getting angry. Jones knocked Sambroski out cold. Not only were we unprovoked, but suddenly we started to get sad. Most of the men were in tears. Frederick almost jumped out the window! Which apparently we all found funny since we dropped to the floor laughing." Frost was on the verge of panicking.

I quickly looked at little Miss Blake. She is smirking and standing with her arms crossed with a smug look. She has this amazing power that I am lucky enough to be immune to? We are going to have so much fun! "Oh Johnny, do not worry about it. Everything will be fine now." He was smart and not questioned me and walked out.

"Well Rosie, that is quite interesting. I have a proposition for you. You have been off the grid for quite a bit and will need help catching up with the times. Maybe getting established with a place of your own and a job." I have no intention of letting her leave, she will be mine. My property until I am done with her, but she doesn't need to know this yet. "I will help you with this, if you help me and assist me. You abilities will be very useful for my businesses and you can help me weed out those who wish to betray me. Spend some time doing this, let's say maybe for a year? Then I will help you out. While you are working for me, I will take care of everything. Provide you with clothes, shelter, and food. What do you say?"

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