Chapter Two

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Bruce just sighs at my usual remark and shakes his head. He's tired of it, 'trust me Brucey, I am too'.

"Rosie, you haven't left your bed in 6 days and have hardly eaten anything. You have a lot of people worried. Do we need to change your medications?" He said with concern in his eyes.

I chuckled loudly and sarcastically "A Lot of people, huh? Concerned about me? I hardly believe that. The last person besides you to show up here that showed me concern stopped coming once you found out...Coinkidink? I think not."

"Mr. Grayson's behavior was inappropriate and could have damaged the study's results." He replied automatically. The same response I heard a thousand times but this time I didn't just nod, maybe I was feeling feisty today.

"Oh yeah? He never touched me and never skipped his injections. He just talked to me and kept me company. I get bored and you don't let anyone play with me." I pouted dramatically. He just looked down guilty. He always gets guilty and it's so frustrating. Today must not be a good day and Bruce catches on too late. I have a world globe hurtling in his direction and nailing him in the head. Hey, I aimed for his torso but he ducked trying to avoid it. Weird...typically his reflexes were much better. He recovered quickly and looked at me fuming...uh oh. I tried to stop him from reaching for the red button but I was too late. Quickly, five security guards, armored like a SWAT team (and especially gloved) roughly grabbed me and tried to subdue me physically but I was thrashing. Though I was petite and short at my 5'1", these guards knew better than to underestimate me. Then I felt a pinch in my neck and quickly my body became numb. I fell smirking at what happened to the last guard who underestimated me...I wonder if his dick is functioning yet? Everything went fuzzy and then it started to go dark.

I awoke on my bed and tucked in...oh little Brucey and his guilt. Woah boy! I feel dizzy and giddy bahaha. They must have hit me with a tranquilizer. I went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror for the first time in...wait I don't remember how long haha must have been long! I look like shit! I laugh maniacally at myself. I decide to shower but end up on the floor laughing as the water touches my skin. It feels weird to wash my skin and tingles. OOoh I wonder what it feels like to put makeup on?!  I revel at the feel of brushes on my skin. My pale skin is smooth so I skip the foundation. My eyes look even brighter, almost like a silver rather than usual light gray. Must be the drugs. I put dark shadow on my eyelids and thickly line my eyes with black eyeliner. Whew that wore me out...I am tired. I need to put clothes on but I am so tired. So I grab a white baggy Tshirt and go sans bra. I almost forget underwear as I slip on my yoga pants. I lay on the soft carpeted floor and drift in and out of consciousness. My long and wavy black hair wetting my shoulders. It will be like this for a few hours, my hair always takes forever to dry being so long and thick.

    I thought I heard something muffled outside my room. But I chalk it up to the drugs making my hearing wonky. That's when the door busts open. I see a blurry black blob dispersing into 5 separate blobs and giggle at the sight.

    One blob starts talking. "Looky here boys! She is all giggle and out of her mind. Good thing we gave her three times the dosage. Not so feisty are we little Rosie?" As he gets closer to my face, I realize that he is one of the guards. Why are they in here?

    Another goes on "Awl, guys, she even got all pretty for us! Mmmh that shirt is very...sheer." I feel his hand on my waist and try to buck away but my body is tired. Why did I have to use my energy to shower and put makeup on? This is not looking good.

    I start to get angry. These guys asses would be mine. I am a fighter and men who so much LOOK at me in the wrong way, pay for it. But I am utterly defenseless and it sounds like it had all been planned. They were just biding their time till I acted up and got the OK to tranquilize me. It sounds like they used a higher dose...that explains my uselessness.

    Another guard is laughing. This one straddles me. "You are going to pay for what you did to Griggs. Did you know he lost functioning in his dick? I guess one of us will have to fuck you for him as well."

    I giggle at the thought of that asshole not able to use his dick, which earns me a punch to the face. Shit. I am really screwed. It must be night because that's when only the five security guards are here and currently they are in my room. I can't move and can barely form words. My vision and hearing are going haywire and I can't hear and see everything going on.

    I gasp as skin to skin contact is made with the guard straddling me. He is moving his way under my shirt with his hand. He took it as a gasp of pleasure and smirks. This is not what I wanted for human touch! He's groping my breast and his wet, hot, disgusting mouth is on my neck. I feel him then lick the tears off my face. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

    He jolts up. One of the guards asks "What was that noise?"

    The one straddling me instructs the one who asks to check it out. Then he is back on me and tearing my pants off with a knife that bites into my thigh. I use the last of my strength to knee him in the crotch. As he recovers, one guard stand over me and kicks me in the head. Everything goes black...

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