Chapter Twenty Nine

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Joker's POV

    That psychotic bitch and her plant pussy have been down there with her for two hours. We have tried almost everything on the door. My explosives guy is mixing up a stronger batch but at this point, it may bring the house down with it. I don't care, I just need to get her out and have her in my arms.

    She was so hurt when I said those things but I thought it would help get her out. I would have said and done worse if that's what it took to make her safe. I considered even asking Harley to marry me instead, just to spare Rosalie's life but the bitch won't answer.

    I watched on the tablet what is going on, Harley periodically smiles at the camera or blows it a kiss. It makes me sick. I have watched this bitch stick long needles up my girls fingers, cut her up where she will never look the same, and punch my babies. Rosalie keeps wincing even when Harley isn't torturing her and I know deep down something is wrong with the babies. We have the doctor on stand-by. They are strapping her to the ECT table now as the new explosive is being fitted. I am pulled up the stairs, but once the explosion occurs and the cloud appears, I am running down.

I see her, bloody, battered, and completely broken. She is still being shocked with plants holding the electrodes to her head. I rip them off. Harley and Ivy are nowhere to be seen. I carry her, rushing her to the medical room while the men search for the two monsters that did this.

"God, I know I am going to hell, I have done too many bad things, but please make sure my babies get to heaven. They never even got to live. They don't deserve to be punished for what I have done. Please take care of them, please." Her voice is hoarse and she is crying as she pleads.

"Baby, stay with me. No one is going anywhere." I hold her hand and look at the doctor. She had been checking Rosie's vitals in a panic and hooked her up to machines but now she was just standing back. I saw the tears in the doctor's eyes. "No. No. No. I can't lose her! Fix her! Take the babies if need be, I can make more with her, I just need her. Please doctor."

She comes over and injects something into her IV. "That will make her comfortable. I'm sorry Joker, she is quickly failing and so are the babies. There is no way I can save any of them." At that, she exits the room.

"I wish I could have married him, at least I would have died as Mrs. Napier." She is talking not even realizing I am here, but I talk to her hoping she will hear me.

"In my heart you have always been and forever will be Mrs. Napier. I will make sure it goes on your grave before I join you". I promise her.

"I'm so mad at him. He said things that broke my heart, but he is the only one I wish was here. It's so dark, I'm so cold and scared." My heart is breaking. I take my shoes off, scoot her over and lay in the tiny bed next to her.

"I will keep you warm and be with you till the end my love, and even after you go I will stay here holding you." I tried to stay strong for her but I started sobbing. "I only said those things to try and save you. Please know that. If you are leaving me, don't die with a broken heart." I rocked her as I sobbed. She was quiet for some time. Then I heard her tiny and weak voice.

"I forgive you, Jack." Oh thank god, she heard me. I kissed her forehead. Her eyes were open but not really seeing. "Where are you Jack? I don't have much time."

"I'm here baby, I'm in my rightful place next to you." I tell her and she gives me a weak smile.

"We can't hold on much longer. I just wanted to tell you, you have made my life wonderful. My life has always lacked color when you weren't around. You are the greatest thing to happen to me and you will forever be my hero. Please take me to a happy place" She pleads.

I want to tell her how much I love her and let her know that I will be joining her soon. She has made me more human in every wonderful way and with her last breath, she will take me with her and I will be a shell of a man. But I don't, I give her what she wants.

"I just came home from a long day of work, I own a club robbing a bank or two every now and then. You have made lasagna. Our house is beautiful and full of life. Pictures everywhere of us, our family, the kids, Archer and Aradia. You can see how they have grown, there is a picture of our wedding day." Archer and Aradia run to me and I pick them up hugging them. I tell them to run and play while I come up to you and kiss you. I rub your belly because you are pregnant. We are a happy growing family." She closes her eyes and smiles.

    The machines flatline. She is gone.

    I will never see her eyes bright and silver again. I will never hear her laugh. Will never get to hold my children. The pain in my heart is unbearable. I don't even believe in an afterlife but I just don't want to be in a world where Rosalie is not alive. I get up off the bed and I scream in rage. Johnny runs into the room and takes in the seen. He looks away crying as well. Only she could pull tears out of that stoic man. But she's gone and never coming back.

    Johnny steps closer but is thrown backwards. I take in the scene around me. Green energy is flowing out of me. "What the hell?" I try to back away so it wouldn't destroy my beloved's body but it reaches her and wraps her up. Slowly purple starts bleeding into the green. I go over and touch her hand and even more turns purple.

    Her skin is slowly healing. The cuts disappearing, even the blood is evaporating. This can't be...I am scared to hope until I hear the beeping of not just her heart monitor but also the two for the babies. Tears of joy flow down my face.

    "What the hell?" Dr. Ludwig says and she enters the room. The green and purple energy retreating, the green going into me and the purple into Rosalie.

    "Doc, please make sure everything is alright." I ask. The doctor checks everything and then rechecks it and THEN checks it for a third time. I am antsy.

    "She is healthier than ever Mr. J. She is completely healed." She says in awe.

    Rosalie's eyes flutter open. "Jack?" She asks for me and I squeeze her hand. She looks me in the eyes. "I missed you." I laugh with relief. She is alive!

    "I missed you too baby girl. You gave me quite the scare." I tell her. She gets a dark look on her face.

    "I was so alone and scared, but you saved me Jack. Thank you so much. You truly are my hero."

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