Chapter Fourteen

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Rosalie's POV

It has been about two months since I have arrived at the mansion. I have grown even closer to Mr. J and I know I am hopelessly in love with him. We have had a few more dates at home and he has opened up a bit to me but he keeps it superficial like likes and dislikes and never telling me of his past, never mentioning Harley, and never telling me details to his work. But on some level, I know him better than anyone. I know that he can never remember what toothbrush to use, I know he has nightmares unless I am touching him in his sleep, I know what triggers him to be upset, I know that no matter how angry he is, if I walk up to him and put my arms around his waist, he instantly calms down.

It has been a rollercoaster of getting to know him and I have seen his dark side he tries to hide from me. He tries to hide the screams that come from the basement, he avoids me when he is mad but I can hear his dark laughter and gunshots through the house. Then I made the mistake of asking him what Batman did in order to start this feud. I could see it took all of his strength not to hit me but he grabbed me roughly and made me spend two nights in the extra bedroom.

That's what hurts is when he pushes me away. When he gets cold and distant. I can handle anger. I was forged from anger, but distant and emotionless is what cuts me deep. I rather him hit me and show me anger, at least I would know he feels something towards me. Sometimes, I have no doubt in my mind that he loves me, but then something will trigger him and I start to think that he doesn't feel anything but possessiveness for me, like I am an object or a dog to him.

Overall, I have never felt more alive than when I am with him. He makes me feel things I have never felt before and everytime we touch, explosions happen in my body. Its wonderful. He keeps me safe and makes sure I have everything I want and need. He even has me training to keep my strength up. I mostly spar with the henchmen because every time Mr. J and I have tried it leads to us being naked.

Everything about him is attractive to me. His bright hair, pale skin, sculptured muscles, and that tattoos covering his body. He keeps teasing me that he is going to tattoo 'Property of Joker' on me so that no one will ever touch me again. I laugh and tell him no, but secretly I don't mind. I am completely and utterly his. I want to tell him how I feel and we are supposed to have another date night tonight so I think tonight will be perfect.

I put on black skinny jeans, a purple pin-up halter, and purple pumps. My hair is half up and I put on dark eyeshadow and heavy eyeliner. I feel pretty and confident. I haven't seen Mr. J in a couple of days since he has been away for business. I check my iPhone he got me and notice it's time to go downstairs and I smile at my background of me and him with him kissing my cheek.

He's on the living room couch looking bored and staring out in the distance when I pounce on him. I am straddling him and kissing him hard. He is laughing against my lips and wraps his arms around me. Mmmh I have missed this.

"Let's get some dinner in you. I am thinking we should go out tonight." He surprises me and I start bouncing with excitement. I haven't been out since I got here, only allowed to go to the backyard.

He is making jokes as we eat dinner and I am laughing. Eventually the laughter dies down and I go over to him and sit on his lap. We are both finished with dinner. I start kissing him softly. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. I land on my back on the soft living room couch. We are making out like horny teenagers when he pulls away for a second and locks eyes with me.

I am overwhelmed with emotion. He looks at me as if I am his whole world, the whole reason he exists, so I whisper "I love you." Not knowing it would trigger his darkness.

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