[Eight: Found You]

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"No where to return to. No where to go. A runaway princess. A runaway warrior."
Chapter 8
"It's chief swan. I came to see why there was activity at the house since no one's lived here in ages." He replied to me in a nonchalant way.
Oops shouldn't have said anything without seeing who it was.
"I see. I'm sorry chief I just moved here." I told him.
"Well are your parents home?"
"No I live on my own. Is there a problem?"
Chief swan had a shocked look on his face.
"Yes there's a problem how old are you?"
"I'm 17."
"You can't legally live on your own. Also how are you living here?"
"Why can't I legally live on my own and I'm living here because this is my family home. We've lived here for centuries. This land has been owned by the same family. The Gevaudans."
"You can't live alone until you're 18 you need a guardian to be present or live nearby just in case of an emergency. I'll check if what you're saying about this land is true." He ended up radioing the question about who owns the land and to his surprise I was telling him the truth.
I gave him a look of annoyance and told him if I could just live on my own.
"No you need an adult."
I was so mad but then it clicked.
"I do know someone who might be willing to be my guardian. It's Billy Black."
My choice in person shocked him.
"What's your relationship to Billy?" He was now suspicious.
"Our families have been friends for many years. You could ask him, if you don't believe me."
"Okay I will." Chief Swan said as he got on his phone.
While I went  back inside to change since I was still in my night clothes.
Once I walked back outside Chief Swan was waiting.
"So Billy does assume guardianship to you, but I need your parents approval."
"Actually my parents thought about this and I have detailed papers allowing Billy to be my guardian if the situation ever arose. They also signed it because I can't be home right now.  Terrible family problems."  I told him while having the papers ready for him to go over.
He went over the papers and seemed satisfied.
"I guess I should get going, since this issue is resolved."
"Um, Chief Swan how's Bella? She seems very shy and I didn't get to introduce myself." I told him before he left.
"She's doing fine, how'd you know about her?"
"Small town and I have her in my biology class."
"Oh well I can tell her you said hello."
"Tell her I'm the girl that sits behind her." I said.
Charlie replied with a nod.
I let out a sigh and began my walk to La Push.
Enjoying it the whole way there.
I had the slightest hint of being followed but I felt it was just my imagination.  Letting my thoughts drift to wherever they wanted to go, I started to think of Edward. Wondering what he was doing.
Just for a bit. Look just to check in on him.
I looked into what Edward was doing. Letting my legs take me to the beach solely relying on memory.

*Edward in Alaska*
I was just laying down in the snow debating on wether or not to return if Bella was still going to be there. She was just so intoxicating.
Maybe I should just ask Marie for help. To let her take away my sense of smells so that I don't cause an atrocity just to taste one human.
I just buried myself deeper into the snow not wanting to think of her.

*Back to Marie*

At least he's dealing with it better than I thought he was.
I've almost made it to the beach. Being in the mood for some rock climbing to just keep busy, especially in such a small town.
I continued down with the same feeling of being watched looking over me .
I walked straight to the rocky underside of the cliff. Taking no time in releasing my claws. Readying them with a neurotoxin because I was now sure I saw someone waiting for me up top.
Climbing up as fast as I could I pounced on him like a wild animal would.
I tried clawing at him so I could get the toxin in his system, but his skin was took hard.
Taking in his face and the crest he wore I realized why he was here.
"You tell my parents that I'm not returning any time soon. I need my freedom from them. I need to help these people!"  I screamed at him while pinning his arms down with my knees.
"Our King and Queen remember to use their titles" He spat.
"I am under no obligation to use titles. They are my parents and I will call them whatever I feel like it." I growled at him.
He couldn't have expected to have won against me. I was so much stronger than he was.
He suddenly started laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" I was now confused.
"You let your guard down little princess." He laughed as he motioned to his hands.
To my horror he had the same neurotoxin as I did but he successfully clawed them in me. Unlike him I didn't make my skin as tough as stone. Being to worked up I didn't feel the pain.
"You. You." I tried to say as I started to run.
My legs didn't take too long before they gave out.  Tumbling to the grown I tried shifting but to no avail. I was too weak.
"They're going to be happy that I found you, Marie." He sang.
With the last of my strength I sent my thoughts to Edward, Carlisle and Alice.
A helicopter soon arrived to take me back to the palace. I ended up passing out because he let in too much of the toxin.

Author's noteWho would've thought she was royalty? Anyways Marie has been kidnapped and she did send out a message to some Cullens

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Author's note
Who would've thought she was royalty? Anyways Marie has been kidnapped and she did send out a message to some Cullens. Do you think they'll come to her aid?
Hope you enjoyed.

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