[Fourteen:Home Sweet Home]

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"Family isn't always blood. Home is where your loved ones are."
Chapter 14

I woke up to find a blanket was draped over me and that my shoes were taken off.
"Good morning."
I let out small scream, because Edward startled me. Edward just laughed  at my reaction.
"Don't laugh, I just woke up." I said sounding like a child.
"Sorry, but Alice came back with breakfast from the diner. So if you want your food still warm..." 
I didn't let Edward finish as I dashed downstairs for food.
"Mmm this smells so go. Alice you chose right." I said as I took a seat at their table.
"Well thanks Marie, I just chose the most popular  item on the menu."
"Good choice." I said as I dug into my food.
I couldn't help it and small sounds of satisfaction escaped my lips.
"Well I see you're enjoying the food, but how do you feel?" Edward said as he came into the kitchen.
I swallowed before I started talking.
"Still sore, but all my wounds are fully healed. It takes a long to heal when you're poison."
"I see at least you're fully healed. By the way, can I see your wings." Edward said with a gleam in his eyes.
My face heated up. The thought of showing them my wings made me self conscious.
"I'm good. I don't feel like showing my wings. You'll see them when I'm comfortable."
"Aww you're blushing, but don't worry. I understand."
I continued to eat my breakfast, but edward had an interesting look on his face.
"Okay what?" I said once I finished.
"I'm just wondering what exactly can your abilities do. I already know how to kill your type, and how you survive almost everything. I want to know why it hurts for you to change into us, minus adding that scary vampire face with the fangs."
"Oh alright. There's another way to immobilize us, you need to stab us in the heart and head with a silver object. That's the worst consequence, it's neither life or death. Just existence.  Well now for the scary vampire face, it's my rendition of vampires. Also the fangs are just my touch. To answer your question on the pain is that I'm making my cells belive im undead. So I'm basically changing my whole anatomy to be compatible with your diet of blood. As for everything else I change into, I'm just copying the abilities and look. I don't feel pain because I'll still be alive. Also I can manifest abilities like mind reading from practice, since chameleon's have an affinity for magic." I explain more than I should've.
"That explains it. So the question I've been wanting to ask. Why did you leave and why did you change how you look." I can see the hurt in his eyes.
I take a deep breath in.
"I didn't leave because we ended our relationship. I left because I heard that there was trouble in Italy. My people that had left our kingdom were threatened by the volturi. As for my different appearance. That was just my disguise to be able to hid. What you're seeing now is how I looked growing up I think. This is what I think  my original face looked like." I had a small smile on my face.
"I always thought you left because of me. I see now that you have a lot of compassion for your kind." Edward said as he had a content look on his face.
"I brought you a change of clothing and your bag. Since you two have missed a week school." Alice chimmned in.
"We're late already. What's the point in going now?" I groaned out.
"Actually you woke up really early and school hasn't started." Alice corrected me.
"Fine, I'll get changed, but how am I supposed to get there?"
"Don't worry Marie, you can ride with me." Edward said with a smirk.
I just stomped away and got ready.
I'm too sore for this.  At least Alice chose a nice outfit.

Author's note
Hope you enjoy and I'd like to thank everyone who's reading this story.
Also I'm sorry if it's a short chapter.
Senior year is already kicking my butt.

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