Godfrey Twin

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"Roman get your lazy ass up!" You yelled.

Your twin glanced at you before closing his eyes again, moving and offering for you to join him in his huge bed but you opted to bouncing on it and joggling him off the mattress and into the floor.

"I hate you so much." Roman growled out.

"Well if you weren't so boring I wouldn't bug you... come on, I want to make the snobby twins self-conscious and Peter's too nice to do it with me." You pouted at your brother who chuckled and your deviousness.

"Mom's out all day so I'm not getting out of bed for the next twelve hours." Roman told you as he climbed back in and you huffed out of his room. "Tell Shelly to text if she wants something!"

"Roman she is literally upstairs." You sighed and skipped back into his room.

"You're my sisters and I love you, but only as much as I can without moving from here." He smiled and flipped to his front, waving his hand to shoo you out of his room.


"Well if it is the loveliest Godfrey, to what do I owe the pleasure." Peter smirked nervously.

"Roman's being boring and sleeping so I thought I'd visit." You Smiled and sat on his lap.

"Well I wasn't planning on anything more interesting than him, I'm sleeping out here in the sun and drinking beer." He wiggled the beer bottle to prove his point.

"You want to take me shopping, I have Roman's account cards." You held them up and grinned.

"Why don't you have yours?" He asked you as he jumped up and grabbed his jacket from the garden table.

"First Shelly's taken them and second Dad's will was set up so I'll basically be living like we do with Mom just with Roman instead when I'm older so... pre-revenge." You smiled.

"Well let's go... I don't have the car, want a piggy back?" He asked and you nodded.


"Why're you ignoring my calls?" Roman asked, making Peter jump.

"You called me?" He asked and glanced at his phone. "Didn't notice."

"What's with all the bags... are you hanging out with my sister?" Roman grumbled and glared at you when you skipped out in a tiny dress, asking Peter what he thought.

"Why are you here its a me day Roman, don't spoil my fun." You huffed and dropped into Peter's lap.

"Stop pouting at him he's my friend." Roman glowered and crossed his arms as he waited for you to snap back.

"It's cool, I'm good here I have a nice view and I snuck in some beers." Peter chuckled and handed one too Roman.

"Aw yay thanks Peter." You gushed happily and kissed his cheek, jumping up and hurrying to the changing room, completely missing the dopy look on Peter's face.

"Keep looking at my sister like that and I'll have Pryce neuter you." Roman huffed.

"Why she's cute." Peter hummed.

"Because it's my sister." Roman huffed.

"If I date your sister you'll spend less time with her and we'd be able to hang out without her bugging you because she'd be all cutie with me." Peter said quickly.

"(Y/N) you're going out with Peter." Roman yelled.

"Ok!" You yelled back and Roman couldn't help but chuckle when Peter's mouth hung open.

"I've been trying for months to hint that I like her!" Peter mumbled.

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