Why {Jimin (request)}

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This Is A wonderful Request By
Charireyes5 Thank You!

Days like this passed quickly, getting ready for big work productions. Observing the outside of her life.


Paperwork, Due dates, Signatures, Desks. It all seemed to add up Day by day. Not seemingly stopping. Although the poor girl had some free time. She often spent it getting paper-cuts on her couch while her boyfriend slept peacefully in their bed. Not wondering what his girlfriend was doing. Other then supposedly 'sleeping' beside the boy.
work was stressful. Constant nagging of co-workers of getting stuff done. She was getting so badly limited to her outside life that when she did get the change to hang out with anyone. Her mind was out of, although still finding it's way to plan its work schedule again and Again. It was truly unbarring for her to live like this.

Although on the other hand we have Jimin, Park Jimin. Her boyfriend trying to put up with his girlfriend. He loves her right?
Well that's what he though too?! But when he did do what he did. He thought nothing of it. But only to hurt himself as result.
Her best friend.
His scandalous side girl.
Beautiful girl, a perfect face and body. A wishful life. But only she could obtain the place.
Jimin fell for the sudden charm of the girl.
Things led to one thing and then to the next.
After all, the boy did feel neglected. So it was okay?
I'm... NO?! Was it ever okay for the boy to cheat on the poor girl working her butt of to afford her life?!

"Jimin I'm Home?" Reign yelled only to be heard by silence. She giggled to herself thinking he was asleep. She slipped her slick black heels of her feet and took of her blazer setting it on the coat hanger next to the door.
"Jiminieeeeee~" she cooed opening the door.

Large Gulps.

Heavy Breathing.

Tears Pulling at her eyes.

Moaning coming from his mouth.

Nikky under his body.

Jaws Dropped.

Tears Spread.





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