Believe {Taehyung}

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Every word he made me believe in.
But look at me now.

The Girl store at herself in the mirror. Her reddish hair hanging shortly below her framed shoulders. Her bangs cut slightly shorter then the rest. Her hair straight and framing her face.
Her eyes big and curious bolded by the eyeliner creating a line under her eyes to her crease of her eyes.
Her nose fitting perfectly in between her face. Her lips plopped shortly below them.
Her thin shoulders going out maybe 5 inches from the rest of her neck and face. Her shoulders Carried her slim arms to her fingers that with held nail polish in a baby blue color. Her thighs.
Beautiful but hated. Thrashing down to her calfs that muscle withdrawn from them. Her feet being her next thing on line. Polish matching her fingernails.
She was so beautiful.

She was so ugly.
She was staring for what seemed like hours and she was ripping herself apart flaw by flaw. Tears sprung out from her eyes spreading the newly applied makeup galore on her face. Her face became puffy. Her shirt became wrinkled.
She hated herself because she didn't believe in herself anymore.
He made it all better.
It took everything to love herself, but now she hated it.
It was all some silly mistake to love herself.
Cascading her clothing in front of the mirror she just sobbed more. She hated herself and her body. Everything about her resembled humility.
The cold stone of the bathroom floor hit her feet as she tumbled to the ground.
She reconciled herself.
It's like every time she broke.
He showed up.
But not this time. This was it.
Before you could stop it, blade in hand running across her veiny wrists. Lines penetrating the healed skin. The milky tan skin. That she once loved.
Blood poring everywhere she collapsed hoping to end it all.
Since she believed.
It happened.

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