The Iceclan Apprentice #4

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"DARKPAW!!!" The brown tom screeched.

He looked at me with a cold purple stare that sent a shiver up my spine.

"You mouse-brain! Piece of fox-dung! You let my sister die! I hate you! Desertclan is evil! And I hope Spirit clan kills them all!!" He hissed grieve in his voice, he was ranting.

I stared at him with fear and confusion but knocked some sense into myself and ran to his side and pulled him out by the scruff of his neck.

He was covered in muddy sand that was plastered to his fur. Then he sat down like he felt defeated.

"What am I gonna tell Papa?" He whimpered sadly.

"A-Are you hurt..." I asked changing the subject.

"No..." He mewed stubbornly.

"You sure... mentally or physically?" I meowed.

"Mentally..." He mewed quietly looking at me weirdly.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't save her... I'm the worst cat ever..." I mewed in a gentle tone "Y-You can sneak into my camp if you want Dewpool our medicine cat would help you with your loss"

"Fine... but we can't be long... what's your name by the way?" He sighed.

"M-Maplepaw..." I hissed. He looked at me surprised by the sudden hiss but he nodded.

"I'm Wolfpaw" he said back.

"Its nice to meet you... but we should go now I don't want any of my clan seeing you..." I meowed pushing Wolfpaw to his paws.

We walked back in silence and I found some healing herbs on the way and took them but hid them so Wolfpaw didn't see them.

What would he do if he found out I was a medicine cats apprentice? I thought.

I snuck Wolfpaw into Desertclan camp, he would of been noticed if I hadn't told him to roll in fox-dung though. I ushered him into the medicine cat den and I told Dewpool a little about Wolfpaw. Dewpools eyes glinted with amusement as I told him about Wolfpaw.

"Now so this is Wolfpaw? He smells... weird..." Dewpool meowed.

"Oh... yeah he's had a rough time..." I mewed softly.

Dewpool's eyes widened but he didn't say anything he just stared at Wolfpaw.

"My sister and I were meant to meet our mentor by the border but we were being mouse-brains and fell into quicksand ... my sister's body lies under the sand" Wolfpaw mewed sadly with grieve in his purple eyes.

"Here have some poppy seeds when you get back to you're back at your camp..." Dewpool hissed with a sudden change of tone.

"Hey it's not my fault my sister led me in quicksand! I didn't want her to die, I didn't want to come here! I knew you weren't going to help me!" Wolfpaw hissed glaring at me with his purple eyes filled with grieve.

"I don't regret what I said about your clan!" Wolfpaw stared at Dewpool and unsheathed his claws threateningly.

Don't you dare hurt Dewpool!! I thought.

Wolfpaw then stormed out of the den.

"I hate you all!" Wolfpaw cursed as he bolted out of Desertclan camp.

"Wolfpaw..." I murmured, watching his tail leave the camp... watching the last trace of him go.

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