The Trees #39

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Silence was broken by Wolfstripe purring,

"If she came to make me cry, it didn't work"

I purred back, loving every single moment that we were together.

"Can you climb?" He asked, looking up at the big trees in front of us, "Even if you are a medicine cat"

"Yeah! I'm gonna beat you to the top!" I purred, unsheathing my claws and scampering up the nearest tree with Wolfstripe hot on my paws.

I jumped up a branch, but Wolfstripe found a shortcut leaping onto the top branch.

"I wooo" Wolfstripe started but then fell.

Wolfstripe was clinging onto a small branch for dear life.

Suddenly I saw a silhouette of a cat I recognised but couldn't make out, he passed me though but then went for Wolfstripe!.

The cat leaped onto Wolfstripes branch and stepped on his paws making him fall.

"Wolfstripe!!" I yowled, but he couldn't hear me.

As he fell he didn't use his claws to reach out, he was preparing himself to hit the ground with his back arched.

He landed on all four paws but on one awkwardly.

"Groundshock! Groundshock! Owwwwwww!" Wolfstripe yelped.

He unsheathed his claws seeming to look for the spirit, but yowled when he noticed it had gone and scrambled back up the tree.

"Pretend that didn't happen" He meowed bravely, forcing a laugh.

But I couldn't my eyes were still wide with fear for Wolfstripe, who had nearly died.

"Who was that..." I questioned quietly, looking at him with my large amber eyes.

His eyes showed that he didn't want to tell... but he did anyway.

"I'm not aloud tell you... but... you must swear by Spiritclan you won't tell anyone" He muttered.

"I swear by Spiritclan" I murmured, my heart pounding waiting for the answer...

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