Reservations [Full]

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Welcome to Panem Entangled's reservations page! Please comment which spot you'd like, and you'll have exactly 24 hours to write your form from the moment we reply. You may rereserve once afterwards, and after that you'll just have to turn in a form without reservations if you'd still like that spot. You may take a second tribute once you've turned in the form for your first.


District One | Luxury

Male: Morgan Ruidhir (HannahFare)

Female: Mizar Hayes (DancingStark)

District Two | Masonry

Male: Nereus Ramsay (lostwithmyfriends)

Female: Diana Sawyer (rennzalsos)

District Three | Technology

Male: Reserved for josie-tee

Female: Waverly Easton (katelynmckelle)

District Four | Fishing

Male: Fabian Los Flores (shades0fgrey)

Female: Blythe Choi (wordsmith-)

District Five | Power

Male: Damon Meyers (Violet-Vixen)

Female: Mepium Rogue (Code Name: Carbohydrate)

District Six | Transportation

Male: Quinn Crescent (galxychild)

Female: Anastasia Chernova (theoriginalsfanfic)

District Seven | Lumber

Male: Noble Spruce (-Giraffe-)

Female: Puck Georges-Bouffairet (CrocodileRocker)

District Eight | Textiles

Male: Wilson Strauss (justmilkplease)

Female: Nadege Harred (_TheFaultInOurWifi_)

District Nine | Grain

Male: Etton Alexander (Enchantresses)

Female: Ameuillance Saranielle (Chelseyh_writing)

District Ten | Livestock

Male: Hansel Chae (XUDAWN)

Female: Elowen Emde (jonathansbyers)

District Eleven | Agriculture

Male: Remington "Remi" Sears (-Giraffe-)

Female: Sophie Clavecall (blackqueen39)

District Twelve | Mining

Male: Stryker Sgroi (gracey_liz)

Female: Skylar Sterlings (-LovelyButterfly-)


The Form

Name: (pronunciation if necessary)

Age: (12-18)


District: (1-12)


Picture Link: (optional but recommended)


Past: (background, lifestyle, important life events, etc;)

Weapon of Choice: (no guns please)

Drawn/Volunteered: (reason if volunteered)

Token: (optional, but recommended)

Other: (please also briefly explain one topic covered in the documentary or about quantum in general here)

Author Games: Panem EntangledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora