D10 F: Elowen Emde [@jonathansbyers]

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Name: Elowen Emde (L-O-When M-day)

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Female

District: 10 (Livestock)

Appearance: Pale in complexion, Elowen has never managed to hold a tan. After all, she spends most of her time inside, trying to coherse them into mating (ah the joys of being a breeder). The girl is always seen wearing her dirty blonde hair in a sort of half bun, half pony tail and though her face is thin, it's is often streaked with dirt. She does not have the type of face meant for pictures or meant for smiling but rather she has a face that can tell stories through the laugh lines and the stress lines that have worked their way softly into her young skin. With eyes that create a mystery, Elowen is often described as a unique and exotic beauty that few appreciate other than those who can truly look beyond the outside.

Personality: A lot can be said of Elowen, but if there is anything one should know, it's that she's individualistic and clever. Of course she's also loyal, courteous and planful, but far less strongly and often mixed with being monsterous as well. Her individualism though, is what she's most popular for. Friends usually count on this and her freethinking nature when they're in need of support. Nobody is perfect however and Elowen has a share of darker sides to deal with too. Her conceited nature and deceitful ways tend to get in the way and just affect all around negatively. Fortunately her clever nature assures this isn't often the case but she is like this more often than not.

Past: To begin simply, El never planned to be reaped, but what tribute does? Living in a family of 6 kids, nobody was really allowed to dream of having a future other than farming based, and so that's all Elowen did. When she was about seven, an older girl, about 17 was killed in the middle of town on Reaping Day. The girl had been reaped and started refusing to go up. The peacekeepers began to advance towards her and she pulled a switchblade, swinging at everybody near her and injuring multiple citizens. She was shot in the head, a message to everybody. After seeing this, El was scared into submission, never volunteering for anybody or even objecting her own reaping. Her fate had been sealed.

Weapon of Choice: El never really had much luck with obtaining a weapon prior to turning the age of an acceptable tribute but she has spent quite a lot of time with prodding tools as a breeder so perhaps some sort of spear or a long sword?

Drawn/Volunteered: Much to her dismay, Elowen was drawn, nobody even daring to volunteer in her spot.

Token: The only thing she brought from home was a threaded bracelet, tattered and threadbare but emblazoned with a rubber circle in the middle, nothing but the letter "E" embossed upon it.

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