Task 3: When Whacked By A What?!

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The Capitol

There's six names on the screen this morning, six tributes who'll never see the darkness of life again. They are:

Blythe Choi, District 4

Quinn Crescent, District 6

Noble Spruce, District 7

Wilson Strauss, District 8

Elowen Emde, District 10

Skylar Sterlings, District 12

Ladies and gentlemen, we'll now be taking a short commercial break.

We'll back with your show right after this task.




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The Task: When Whacked By A What?!

And now we've come to one of our common AG tasks: the mutt task. For this task, we've decided to give you three options, and you may choose whichever task you wish to write. Each location in the arena has a corresponding mutt, so yeah. Oh, and you have twenty-four hours to choose. This will be done on a first come, first served basis. Anyone who doesn't choose within twenty four hours will be assigned... a fourth option. Know it won't be pleasant. Oh, you might've also noticed there's only five spots for each option... but there's eighteen of you. That's right, you snooze, you lose. The last three people who do not pick a spot, in the scenario that everyone else has chosen within the twenty-four hours, will automatically be given the fourth scenario. Need I remind you that this is something you don't want? It's a challenge. It's going to be hard. You won't be happy. ;) Intrigued? Good.

Option 1: The Forest

These tall, thicc trees aren't as lovely as you first thought. At first, it might seem like they're quiet, simple and all around a nice little place to camp out by... but you might want to reconsider that. Their branches move like machines, often swooping down to whack unsuspecting tributes right in the back of the head, knocking them unconcious, perfect for another passing tribute to slit their throat in their sleep. These branches will be swatting at you, and remember, these aren't regular machines. This is the future. This is AI. And AI learn as they go... if you dodge the branches one way once, you won't be successful the next time. Oh, and throw in those metal flowers and an assortment of metal animals, yeah?

Slot 1: Puck

Slot 2: Stryker

Slot 3: Buzz

Slot 4: Etton

Slot 5: Diana

Option 2: The Mountains

The task of climbing the mountains is a challenging feat alone. This task is for those of you want to write that lil tidbit (though it's not required) on top of the mutt itself. We mentioned that the birds up in the mountains are a good source of food last task... we lied. Okay, not entirely. There are birds that are a great source of protein flying about, but those are a bit harder to catch. They're small and fast, and you got to be real good with those knives or bow to catch some. Up here, it's colder than you'd expect, and you better hope you're not wearing a t-shirt.

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now