D8 M: Wilson Strauss [@justmilkplease]

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Name: Wilson Strauss

Age: Fifteen

Sex: Male

District: 8 (textiles)

Appearance: Wilson is average height, has light skin, and intense grey eyes. His hair is black and short. Malnutrition has caused him to be very skinny, however for his body type he is very fit. He would be attractive if not for the large scar on his face, stretching from below his left cheekbone across his left eyelid and ending mid-forehead. He often has a look of exhaustion from long hours at the textile factory, but this is replaced by a big smile when he is in prescence of his mother.

Personality: Wilson is very quiet and reserved, however very kind/thoughtful. He can be opinionated and rebellious (taking after his mother) but keeps these thoughts to himself. He rarely displays rudeness or anger, but instead bottles up his negative emotions. He doesn't allow his anger to show. Wilson is very friendly but mainly keeps to himself.

Past: Around the age of 11, Wilson suffered an extremely tramautic event. His father, an alcoholic, abusive man overcome with anger, had an episode, attacking Wilson's mother late one night. Still a child, Wilson got between the two and received a glass bottle to the face, leaving the detrimental scar. On the floor, he watched his mother beaten nearly to death, stopped only when Wilson's older brother, 19 at the time, came home from work and intercepted. Wilson's father used the house's only weapon, an axe used for chopping wood during the frigid winters, to kill his oldest son and then himself. Since, Wilson has supported himself and his mother, who was at first too heavily injured to leave her bed, now staying for her bouts of heavy depression. After he watched helplessly as those he loved were hurt, Wilson decided to never let it happen again. He devoted any time not at work to training, both physically and mentally, so he could protect his mother and himself if ever needed. He is more than willing to make the sacrifice his brother did if the time came to protect someone he loved. He takes out teserae out of necessity; him and his mother would not survive without it, and even with it they risk starvation.
Weapon of Choice: Wilson has little experience with weapons, with the exception of knives, which he uses somewhat proficiently in his work.

Drawn or Volunteered: Drawn

Token: A small square of fabric from his mother. When she was able-bodied and worked at the factory, she stole it as a small sign of rebellion, risking severe punishment by the Peacekeepers. He always has it on him.

Other: Living in a poor, industrial district, Wilson has had little experience with wilderness. He does, however, have strong survival instincts, in many situations finding the most unlikely of resources from around his rooty district for use at home and as food. In the arena, he would keep to himself, not picking battles and trying to avoid conflict. Pre-reaping, the thought of killing another person never crossed his mind; he would struggle immensely with the weight of hurting someone else, and is a feirce protector.

Author Games: Panem EntangledМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя