D3 F: Waverly Easton [@katelynmckelle]

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Name: Waverly Easton

Age: 18

Sex: Female

District: 3

Appearance: Waverly is pretty enough. Her shoulder length dark brown hair falls in locks down her heart-shaped face. Her deep green eyes see more than she would have you know, as though she can see into a person's soul. She is short but athletic, more of a side effect of her genetics than of her working to maintain muscle mass.

Personality: It would be difficult to describe Waverly as outgoing but she is not shy. This difficulty lies in the fact that she doesn't speak. But her eyes, body language, and use of sign language say more than she would ever need to verbally. She is carefree to the point that she can be careless.

Waverly is exceptionally bright and loves learning new things. But that eagerness to learn, in addition to her rebellious nature, has often lead to spots of trouble. Sneaking into the labs in District 3 was not the best decision she could have made, but one that she enjoyed nonetheless. In her mind, it was an act of rebellion against an unjust regime, because what she discovered there seemed to be something that the government was intent on keeping hidden.

Past: Waverly grew up as the youngest of two siblings. Her older brother followed after her parent's footsteps and worked in the labs as an experimental physicist. He married his childhood sweetheart, who was as lucky as him to escape the Reaping. Her parents loved her dearly but were very reserved in their affections. The work for the Capitol kept her parents busy, closed off, and out of her life. Maybe this lack of direction and warmth lead to the environment that fostered her hatred of the Capitol. Or maybe it was the defining moment in her life that created her defiant spirit.

Waverly was always encouraged as a youth in her classes. She was exceptionally bright and her ideas were like no other. In fact, she was so creative that the Capitol took notice of her. They interviewed her, made her play games, made her create amazing creations. And Waverly was excited to be given free reign. At the time, however, she didn't realize that her creations, her technology would be used in the next Hunger Games. She didn't know that her best friend Davis' sister would be Reaped. And she didn't know that she would lose her life at the hands of her invention. It is this guilt that caused her to fall into a silence. She vowed to never speak again to ensure that the Capitol would not take advantage of her. For the last eight years, she kept this promise and acted against the government in every way she could, without drawing their watchful eye.

Weapon of Choice: Waverly prefers to use her wits to get out of sticky situations but when absolutely necessary will use a knife.

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn

Token: A locket with a picture of her and Davis, a reminder of the pain she caused his family and of the promise to never be a tool again.

Author Games: Panem EntangledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora