D11 F: Sophie Clavecall [@blackqueen39]

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Name: Sophie Clavecall

Age: 15


District: 11

Appearance: Long light caramel tone hair, wavy, Hazel brown eyes.

Her eyes shine full of life dragging you under, for you to show your weakness and softness. Pale skin, height 5'7. Tall, slim.

Small slightly puffy lips and pale pink color lips. You can often find her in a quickly twisted side ponytail or a messy low braid. She is slightly muscular and looks like if she couldn't even lift a sack, but her secret is where her force comes from. She can lift an entire rock by the power of her core. She is the type of person that is really generous and kind, she might sometimes seem weak, but when it comes to the capital and tributes. She is fiercer than a beast. Her strong form made her intimidating when she wanted to.

Personality: She is shy and a good inner self. But she is strong, she can tolerate the heartbreak and turn it to fierce killing and hunger for revenge. She might put a friendly face with the capital, but on the inside, she wants to take them down to shreds and apart. Revenge is what she is craving for, after her sister, they are going to pay.

Past: She grew up practically by herself, her parents didn't really give her much attention and even a thought of her didn't cross their mind. Her parents adored her little sister, but she got picked as a tribute and died after being betrayed by one of the careers. Her parents were crushed and only loves her little twin brother and sister.

She wants to be their little sibling's hero. And show her parents for them to love her.

Her throat saluting techniques and due as fast as you can methods make her a fast and strong killer.

She won't kill you without hesitation. She takes time to see if there are any signs of betrayal and if you are going to betray her, then she kills you as fast as she can.

Weapon of Choice: She has a fascination with bows and arrows, and loves the shining spark of the blade too. She is really good at handling either knives or bows and arrows.

Drawn/Volunteered: Volunteered, the girl was thirteen to young to die, she reminded her of her sister, and saw her parents crying and siblings, she deserves to live, so she volunteered.

Her parents, either way, hate her, and if she dies in the arena her siblings are going to look up for her.

And finally her parents will probably appreciate their children, they need a lesson, so what best way to die as a tribute?

Token: Wolf as strong and durable as the fearless wolf, she is either strong as the Lone wolf or in a pack. But prefers the single-minded and single soul.

Other: She denies Romance harshly, but sometimes secretly wondering how it would be like to fall in love? But prefers being the lone wolf, the one that goes ahead of the rest, the last thing she needs is relationships and commitment. 

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now