D2 M: Nereus Ramsay [@lostwithmyfriends]

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Name: Nereus Ramsay

Age: 18

Sex: Male

District: Two (Masonry)

Appearance: Upon first glance, the most prominent features of Nereus Ramsay are his lips and hair, distinct opposites in delicacy and refinement. His hair is unruly, a deep brown that falls in curly tangles and heaps of unbrushed insanity, while his lips are round and plump, regal and elegantly pale. The boy's white skin reflects light instead of absorbing it, leading to rather painful sunburns and blemishes. For some odd reason, his neck seems to be layered with darker lines splitting it into thirds, and he has small ears and a larger nose. He appears disproportionate, but it works with his wide chest and face shape.

Personality: Nereus is equivalent to a helicopter swinging; he never rests, rarely sleeps for longer than six hours, and takes to the sky as if possibilities are endless in life. He's brash, outspoken, and speaks with toxic flicks of the tongue, insulting on accident and never apologizing because he's too confident to realize he's hurt another's feelings. He resembles railroad tracks and empty highways, rumbling and speeding past the world without mind for what's being left behind. Despite his pride, he's outgoing and tends to compliment more than slander (either way, the comments spill), and Nereus can always be found wearing clothes of a brilliant- and torn- aesthetic.

Past: He grew up alone; Nereus never really had parents, no older sibling or aunt and uncle to care for him. From the moment his mother disappeared at the age of four, leaving him beneath a yellow playground slide, Nereus learned to live for himself. And until the age of thirteen, he did just that; Nereus trained to become a Career and took advantage of the foster system of the district, scraping by until the moment he volunteered for the Games. Among a few friends and mentors, Nereus has never truly connected with someone.

Weapon of Choice: He prefers to strike from afar first, usually with a spear, but up close he excels in dual-wielding axes.

Drawn/Volunteered: Volunteered; Nereus wants to win to have money and a better life. To him, it's worth the risk, because he's leaving no one behind if he dies.

Token: N/A

Author Games: Panem EntangledDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora