D6 M: Quinn Crescent [@galxychild]

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Name: Quinn Crescent

Age: 17

Sex: Male

District: 6

Appearance: Although hidden under a mask of car grease most of the time, everyone recognizes Quinn as a handsome, young man. With his thick eyebrows and caring eyes, anyone would be a fool not to admit it. He rarely smiles; a smirk is the most you'll get unless you're his dad or his little sister. However, when he does bless someone with that smile, it's enough to warm your heart. It displays across his whole face, his hazel brown eyes twinkling and his dimple makes a welcomed guest appearance. Quinn is never seen without one item of leather on his body, and his other staple item of clothing is black skinny jeans.

Personality: When you first see him, you might think Quinn is , what they call, a bad boy. I mean, he wears way too much leather for someone who has a good spirit. But Quinn is neither a bad boy or a good spirit. In a few words, Quinn is a loner. He's a mystery that no one bothers solving, and he's okay with that. Despite his soft heart (like his smiles, only shown to a few), he cloaks it with an act of indifference and apathy to anything that doesn't involve him. The only times he works hard is at his dad's auto repair shop, or whenever he's stealing a few trinkets from the pocket of someone passing by.

Many people labelled Quinn as a rebel, so he figured he wouldn't disappoint them. His dreams of being something more than a mechanic was crushed quite early in his life, and since then, hope and happiness is quite rare in Quinn's life.

Past: When Quinn was a child, was a bit younger, he saw the world through eyes sugarcoating everything. He wanted to believe that everyone was equal, that he could be anything he wanted to be. That was before he paid attention to the Games, to the District system. Then his mother died giving birth to Andi, the only source of joy in his life now. As years passed, the filter his eyes developed fell away, and he saw the only thing he was destined for was fixing engines. The passing away of his mother changed something, his father could sense it. He didn't become ruthless and hard, no. He just lost the glimmer over his eyes, the wonder of what else the world had to offer him. Hope.

As a coping mechanism to absolutely everything, Quinn tries his best to not get attached to anything or anyone. He believed with all his heart that attachment was one step away from heartbreak. He became a shadow, clad in leather and denim.

He doesn't exactly remember the exact time he thought of pickpocketing. He was around 15, maybe. He doesn't remember why he did it either.

Did he want to get Andi something to play with? Did he want money? No, he wanted to feel a connection (if he doesn't use the word attachment, then it isn't an attachment, right?) to strangers. 2 years later, now 17, Quinn is a kleptomaniac. Quinn is a nobody. Quinn has nothing to lose.

Quinn will be the victor.

Weapon of Choice: Spears and throwing knives

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn

Token: He promised he wouldn't take anything attaching him to anyone. However, Andi changed his mind and gave him their family heirloom: a silver ring encrusted with Tanzanite

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now