D10 M: Hansel Chae [@XUDAWN]

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Name: Hansel Chae (or "mutt" as many of the schoolboys like to call him— Hansel much prefers mutt over "late-to-dinner")

Age: 16

Sex: Male

District: 10, Livestock

Appearance: First of all, no Hansel is not secretly a girl nor is he a puppy in disguise. With a small stature and with less meat on his arms then the chickens on the farm Hansel has a less than average District ten look. Hansel is a scrawny thing, useless for any physical labor that is constantly needed on the farms of District 10 and overall is considered rather worthless to his family. He stands around the height of his grandfather's shoulders, but with help from his mass of semi-curled black hair, he can appear an inch or so taller. Unlike the boys in his district, Hansel has rather smooth skin, unblemished by the burning sun or streaked by dirt— whenever asked about his fascinatingly perfect skin he would say "What? We're not savages?" Then with a rather crude look around the room, he would add "Or at least I'm not."— Hansel is proud of few things about his appearance, things such as his mass of hair (brushed every day) and his large, puppy dog-like eyes as big as moons and the color of ink. Other details preferably excluded in the appearance-wise rundown of Hansel is his two freckles (one over his top lip and the other on the left-hand side of his nose) and the other his a long, slightly ragged scar across his collar to his right shoulder, still pink like fresh salmon.

Personality: Questions. Hansel asks one too many questions. Why is the cow acting like that? Who is he? What are you doing? Do you know what the eighth digit of pi is, I do? Hansel asks questions in a sort of routine, mapped out by his family so they can be ready for the assault of curiosity. The first attack is simple questions, easily answered ones such as "the cow is sick" or "he is our mayor". Hansel then goes to the more philosophical ones, "would you rather die at sixty and live a good life or live normally and die when the time comes?" Such questions cannot be answered over the breakfast table or in the fields whilst trying to herd cows and most of the time Hansel isn't exactly happy with your given answer, "But why do you think that? Is it because you're old? I would want to live a normal life and then die when the time comes." Hansel, to put it simply, is an annoyance. Hansel has a mind full of stories and knowledge and exceptionally long words (Such as ragamuffin or selcouth or antidisestablishmentarianism), he's curious and unconventionally intelligent— known for his habit of reciting random facts and information ("Boulgers Tree Frog vanished from the eye of science for more than a century..."), as well as his peculiar taste in jokes and whether something is worth his time.

Past: Born from a family of six, Hansel was never worth the time. He always had older siblings who had extra hard homework or younger brothers and sisters who would scream through the night, thus Hansel's home life was one of a circus, a menagerie and hell all mixed up into one house, six kids and two over-worked parents. In total, his sisters and brothers are: Katherine and Kate (both thirteen and currently obsessed with boys), Laura and Alex (both in the twenties, too old to talk to too and too young to idolize) and finally little Lucy and himself (Lucy is a year old, she's not even old enough to start studying chemistry, who would want to talk to her?) and whenever someone knocks at the Chae family door, it's either a teacher wanting to talk about how Katherine is currently chasing after boys to kiss them or that they need to pay the bills and they are, once again, late. Hansel never really thought of his family as poor, they stand around the middle section, where everything is 'too expensive' but food always seems to be on the table. At home, Hansel is never there, rather found out in the fields telling stories to calves or sitting under a tree with a piece of straw in his mouth, looking all to much like Huckleberry Finn.

Weapon of Choice: Hansel always preferred talking over violence and he never has exactly had to choice of weapons, but to be most creative out of the tributes Hansel would choose a fighting staff of some sort.

Drawn/Volunteered: He was drawn like every other sane tribute.

Token: A piece of clay, meshed together with quartz. He was given it by his older sister, who, in tears, told him that questions or knowledge won't help in these games.

Author Games: Panem Entangledحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن