D4 M: Fabian Los Flores [@shades0fgrey]

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Name: Fabian Los Flores

Age: 14

Sex: Male

District: Four

Looks: Fabian has a pretty face- he knows it and he hates it. He couldn't count how many times he'd been ridiculed for his looks. Unlike his siblings, he's short, scrawny, and decidedly nervous looking. One time, when district four's announcer came to say hello, she compared his twelve-year-old self to her shaky lapdog-rodent thing. Needless to say, he wasn't very happy and went through a macho phase where he attempted to pack on muscle (which was unsuccessful, though he now knows how to roundhouse kick). Lack of growth spurt left unmentioned, he inherited most of his mother's looks- all doe-eyed, framed by dark lashes and topped off with a set of involuntary dimples. Not exactly intimidating. His sharp nose and full lips were from his father, his wild mane of curls given to him by his grandmother. He bears a look of innocence, of slight naivety. If he's slightly proud of anything, it'd be his hair.

Personality: Fabian is quiet, self-conscious, somewhat socially awkward and quite perceptive. He has the innate ability weigh the odds, and sees the world in black and white. He dislikes being perplexed and doesn't take to overly unpredictable people. Hidden beneath a real bird's nest of hair, lies Fabian's brain, a lithium battery powered weapon of slight destruction. Sad thing is, nobody knows it (not even he). Fabian has the perception that he looks like a slow person in general, in fact, over the years he'd come to notice that the expectations for him were set quite low for a kid his age. The teachers would pick him last, would ignore his raised hand in class, even the principal once told him to start looking into low-profile jobs. Sometimes he thinks he'd be better off in any other place (except maybe for District 12, he doubts he'd even be able to lift a pickaxe). Fabian thinks he's above the janitorial jobs, though he knows he's not cut out for the life of a fisherman. As a whole, Fabian is not really sure where he belongs.

Backstory: Fabian was the last born in a family of six. His father, a successful fisherman and entrepreneur, is able to provide for the family, with the help of his two eldest sons. After getting pregnant with her second child, Fabian's mother quit her job as a fisherwoman due to complications and took up painting instead. Fabian has always enjoyed painting a lot more than lugging around buckets of stinky bait in the hot sun. Despite only having one working parent, the large household manages to get by quite comfortably (in a district's standards). The children attend school during the day and return to the docks afterward. The siblings themselves were quite similar, which the exception of their youngest, and tended to argue. Fabian's fondest memories (though old, he doesn't have so many of those anymore) were before the times of wet willies. Times when he'd chase his older brothers around on the beach, only to be tossed into the water. Simpler times. Now, Fabian spends his days scribbling out stories on pieces of paper, reaping meager fish from the sea, and painting with his mother. Oh, and attending school, but that really wasn't too challenging for him (nor interesting).

Weapon of choice: Traps.

Drawn/volunteered: Drawn.

Token: The shell of a sea-snail, polished and sanded until the iridescent insides glimmered through the tough outer shell. He threaded onto string for the sake of safekeeping in the arena.

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now