D7 F: Puck Georges-Bouffairet [@CrocodileRocker]

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Name: Puck Georges-Bouffairet

Age: 14

Sex: Female

District: 7

Appearance: YOU know her image best when she is asleep, when everything about her looks abrasive. Hair like nice auburn pleated hair ran once through a woodchipper. Knees carved open by shallow cuts and deep bruises alike. Many describe her as having blood-splatter freckles, but she doesn't. It's just one of those things. Let me tell YOU how she changes when she wakes. Her eyes are wide and trusting and look to be glistening with tears even in her happiest moments. They fit better with what people would expect if they saw her in video. Puck is quick to smile and light in her movements. Not abrasive at all. YOU would have guessed that by her spirit...

Personality: Oh CERANNU what of your sister are you yet to know?

Past: She lives among YOU and your siblings. Where the forest is lush and the people gorge themselves on sap.

Weapon Of Choice: A good bush for hiding in.

Drawn/Volunteered: Volunteered, as YOU told her to.

Token: An small sphere carved out of antler. It is a likeness of YOU. 

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