Task 5 | When You Have No More Friends </3

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The Capitol

... another commercial break bunches


The Fallen:

District 5 Male: Damon Meyers

District 10 Male: Hansel Chae

District 3 Female: Waverly Easton


The Task: When You Have No More Friends </3

The quantum maze you've been trapped in? It's time to get out. Those lovely relationships you've developed? It's time to destroy those.

Write your exit out of the quantum maze. The quantum maze, your character might've discovered, is difficult to navigate. You might find... that there is no exit. Of course, this is when the exit will show up. When your character is at the brink of giving up, and when the realization that there IS no exit dawns upon them, the exit will appear in whatever form you want.

The arena has changed. That's right. When you exit the arena, you're met with an entirely different arena. Why? It's a whole another universe, that's why. Of course, this universe is only a slight variance to the current one--your tribute is still apart of the Hunger Games--but the arena has changed. There are no mountains or forest or any of that stuff we won't bother with again (or we might, you never know? probabilities, my friend, probabilities). The entire arena is a city--the same city you've encountered previous (the one you rose into, etc). This city is the same size as the previous city, so keep in mind that the arena has shrunk... a considerable amount. However, what was once an abandoned city is no longer. The city is very much a real city (a futuristic one whose details are left up to your own imagination), and is no longer broken or damaged. There are no humans... but there are humanoids. And these humanoids, my friend, may or may not be trained to kill. Maybe they all are. Maybe some of them are. Maybe none of them are. We'll leave that up to you.

Write your allies turning against you. You thought that the arena was the only change in this new universe? You thought wrong. That's right, bunches. I get to destroy you. HAHAHAHAHA. Okay, so basically, in this new universe, your allies are, well, not your allies. They've changed. Well, it's not really a change. They're just different in this universe because in this universe they were never the caring, wonderful person you might've thought they were in the previous universe. So, as soon as you exit the quantum maze (which will cease to exist as a part of the arena once you exit it), your ally will become the person they are in this universe. You get to write this falling out--how does your character react? Does your character try to kill the person you thought was your ally? Do they let them go? The only option you DO NOT have is staying as allies. We. Want. Conflict. And for those of you who some nice lovely ships planned... I know you feel like this is the end of the world. Don't worry... it's not. We've got something planned for your allies and you... if you make it far enough? You might even... get them back? (or maybe it's just another version? aho knows?) But no, we wouldn't want to spoil anything, would we?

Please note that this numbered list is NOT a list of an options. This is just a list of requirements made clearer through a list of bolded words. You MUST include ALL of these requirements.


Deaths - 2

Ballots - 2

Ballot Challenge: Congratulations to Etton Alexander! Your deadline is shortened by 48 hours! Since we're feeling particularly nice today, we'll also be giving the three of you who tied for the second most number of ballots as well. Puck, Nereus, and Fabian... for the three of you, I'll be shortening your deadline by 24 hours.


Word Limit

No Maxiumum

Minimum - 1000



Sunday, August 12th, 11pm, EST

*Note the time change.

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