D12 F: Skylar Sterlings [@-LovelyButterfly-]

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Name: Skylar Sterlings

Age: 18

Sex: Female

District: 12-Mining

Appearance: Skylar is not an exception to the mining district; her traditional black hair falling to her shoulder blades. Her grand eyes tend to stay at their greenish color although they do own a little spark of blue. She's quite tall, standing at 5'9" feet tall, and has a bit of musculature due to the hard work her father's giving her. Other than that, she does not own any special features except from her determined, adamant shaped visage.

Personality: Skylar Sterlings comes from a very reserved family down District 12. She's a protective daughter who cherishes family as if it was the meaning of life. Being closer to her father made her the hardworking, determined woman she is now. Mr. Sterlings also taught her how to be useful to her village and to never back down on her own words even if it meant being punished. That's mainly why she became such a firm, enthusiastic teenager. Although she does make mistakes in life, Skylar does know how to continue and to never give up. The only thing betraying her is her silence and reserved personality, she may not be shy but she still doesn't want to do with anybody who would ruin her. That's why she mostly keeps to herself and gets arrogant to anybody around her.

Past: Young woman Skylar didn't have an extraordinary life; being from District 12 meant that anything or nothing could happen. Her family lives in a mostly poor village although they do own a little family shop. They have a much better financial revenue than most her neighbors, but it will never compare to the main center of her District.
Her family consist of her father; Mr. Sterlings, her mother and older brother; Slate. Gotten through the horror of 7 reapings, he then left Skylar when she was 15 to marry a shy girl from the Main District who gave birth to a young little boy. The family kept contact and Slate always come to visit them a few times per month to help the little business and to leave Skylar time with his newborn baby.

Most of her time, Skylar keeps herself busy with the hard work her dad gives her since Slate's depart. She travels through villages to trade with people who have affairs with the business and she often helps the men in the mines when she can sneak by the Peacekeepers. Her lifestyle consists on being helpful not only to her father, but to her neighbors and to her home District.
Unfortunately, just before Skylar went through her last reaping, her brother moved back into the house with his wife and 3 years old son, whom is now fighting an uncertain sickness in his lungs. She thought about working twice as much to help her new family, but then she got reaped and had to leave her family with the promise of winning and coming back with the money her nephew needed so badly.

Weapon of Choice: She is at ease with a sword although her favorite weapon is a combo; dagger in her left hand for close combat and a throwing axe in her right.

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn on her last year.

Token: A simple and thin silver chain her dad used to wear but instead of wearing it around her neck, she tightens it around her wrist to keep it in her palm when she needs it the most.

Author Games: Panem EntangledDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora