D5 F: Mepium Rouge [Codename: Carbohydrate]

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Name: Mepium Rouge

Age: 16

Sex: Female

District: Five

Appearance: She is the sort that would be very changed by the trace of blood upon her. Like wine. Blood like wine. Drink to it. Yes, as it is with her nose in the cold. Yes, as it is with her cheeks under heat and society. Oh, she does not like that society! They pack her in and force a frown. Does she smile? She does not, not often. Those lips, like wine (drink to it!), are typically parted. She can't help it. The rest of her face is round. Cheeks, eyes (of a deep brown), the lips themselves. Her hair, parted down the middle, matches the color of many in Five. Coppery. Rusted. Flaky - none of them can afford the luxury of hair care, not there. She blends easily, given the similarities she shares with many other girls, and the simple fact that she comes from Five instead of, say, One. Ones are always stained like wine.

Personality: Mepium, despite the average height, feels quite small among a crowd of others (to her, a crowd need only be composed of two people other than herself). She doesn't enjoy this, but nonetheless feels it. She is so unintentionally soft-spoken that she often gives up trying to speak in general, and if someone does not hear her the first time, she will refuse to repeat herself. Additionally, she finds it easy to develop a general distaste for things, and the best signifier that she is thinking deeply about something is that familiar parting of the mouth. A staring problem has arisen because of this but nobody notices it too much. If they do they leave her be. For the better - she can't handle confrontation very well, and strangers give her anxiety-

-anxiety her give strangers and, well very confrontation handle can't she - better the For. be her leave they do they If. much too it notices nobody but this of because arisen has problem staring A. on and on and on And.

Past: Five bathes itself in tones of red and orange and yellow and that has naturally saturated Mepium to her core, whether she knows it or not. Even the river runs in tones of red and orange and yellow. It, like the parting of Mepium's lips, can't help it. Her life depends on the river and the power it generates. Her mother and father, a strong woman and a steadfast man, work at this river, maintaining it with just enough of a reward to live without hunger. Mepium herself works alongside her brother at a stale winery. They were hired by the fit of their surnames. The owner loves irony. The owner loves turning many bits of reality into literary devices, actually. actually, devices literary into reality of bits many turning loves owner The.

Weapon of Choice: A blowgun or a broad assortment of darts and liquified toxins

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn

Token: A little rose pendant, easily clipped to her shirt or hair or wherever the Capitol wants it. 

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now