Task 1: When In Panem

324 11 41

The Capitol

The man circled the table, hearing each of his footsteps echoing into the silence. He trailed his fingertips along the edges of the projected diagram, the intricate designs of each inch meeting the sharp scrutiny of those midnight-black eyes. Yet with every passing moment he watched, a growing feeling of unease began spreading through his blood, each movement of his limbs becoming increasingly tense. However, try as he might, the cause of this feeling eluded his mind's futile attempts to grasp at it.

A high-pitched voice suddenly shook him out of his frustration. "Sir? Will this design be satisfactory for your needs?" The man glanced at the assistant who had spoken, proceeding to run his gaze over each of the awaiting Gamemakers.

"Yes," he replied, the word spoken softly, but with a commanding presence that had brought him into this position... or not. Slightly startled by their superior's immediate approval, the flock of assistants rushed into action, returning to their various stations to help bring the arena to life. Sighing, the man gave the room one final, untrusting glance, and began making his way down the countless floors.

A cool breeze greeted his skin the instant he stepped outside, blowing against the light sheen of sweat draped across his face. He greeted some of the major individuals walking into the Gamemaking building, a terse smile adorning all those obligatory greetings.

The man soon slipped into the darkness of the alleyway, finding himself sink into the ubiquitous shadows. He let his muscles loosen, a sliver of an opportunity to relax, slowly inching deeper into the abyss. Behind him, the world faded into the distance, eventually dissipating into an empty canvas of black. When the man was completely shrouded in darkness, not a drop of light hitting his surroundings, he paused. He let his eyes flutter closed.

The man's fingers trailed up towards his cloak, placing them on the cool fabric. He gripped the garment in steady hands, feeling all tension in his body melt away. With a swift motion of his arms, he pulled his hood down, his face revealed to the emptiness/darkness/kys around him. A frown crept onto his face, his eyes clouded over with a hint of apprehension.

Silence hung in the air, an ominous aura surrounding the man. There was not a single movement—not even the slightest breath—when the man vanished. The shadows had consumed him, and all that remained was a single thread of cloak, reminding the world that not all was what it seemed.


The Task: When In Panem

This time around, we're going to be start off with a bit of free-reign! You may write any moment from the Reaping to the night before the arena, whether it be a training session or an interview or simply a moment, the choice is yours. Somewhere in your entry, you must include what your character hopes not to see in the arena. How you go about including this in your entry is up to you, but please don't straight out tell us "i dun wanna see water bc then i die cuz i cant swim." Bring it up in a conversation, or maybe form it as a question in an interview. Be creative.

We've also got one more requirement for you. We'd like to see how your character fares among others, so you must have your character interact with at least one other tribute. Whether it be a long, polite conversation or a bloody, little squabble is up to you.

Other than that, go wild!


Deaths - 0

Ballots - 1


Word Limit




Tuesday, June 12th, 12pm, EST

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now