Task 4 | When Given A Friend <3

261 12 43

The Capitol

Laughter and discussion carried through the dining room, the atmosphere bright and joyous. Glass chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting an ambient glow over the conversation. Waiters and waitresses held platters of food and drinks, exuding class and elegance. People conversed and ambled about, smiles on their faces. :) The room was alive, even though everyone was only there because of death.

The man looked around, then spotted a group of people who looked promising. "Please sponsor my tributes," he said, interrupting a group's hearty conversation. He smiled broadly, trying his best to seem convincing.

The sponsors exchanged wary glances, trying to decipher whether or not the man could be trusted. A few of them struggled to hide their smiles, clearly questioning this man's sanity. One sponsor simply glared, displaying his annoyance at the interjection. However, no one spoke. They all shot looks at each other, none of them wanting to be the first to speak.

"Alright," one sponsor said after what seemed like an eternity, finally breaking the silence. "Sounds great."

A few gasps travelled among the other sponsors, unsure of whether or not he was joking or not. Once again, no one wanted to be the one to say something first.

"Wait, really?" The man asked, seeming to be extremely surprised himself. He chuckled to himself, and, when given a few strange looks, cleared his throat. He met the eyes of the sponsors, trying to appear genuine. His expression turning somber once again, he corrected, "I mean...of course."

"Fabulous," the sponsor who had spoken up first said. "Simply fabulous."

Still, no one could decode the sponsor's tone, unable to recognize if his words carried a hint of sarcasm or not.

"Would you like to discuss this opportunity later tonight?" The man asked, beginning to grow excited.

Instead of answering, the sponsor let out a loud guffaw. He roared with laughter, the sound of his voice echoing throughout the entire room. He began to get stares from other sponsors and guests, ones whose faces spelled out looks of concern. The air fell silent except for his loud laugh, no one exactly sure what was going on. Were they to simply go along with their duties and pretend as if nothing was happening? Should they call an ambulance? The tension was palpable.

Suddenly, the sponsor stopped laughing. His face immediately turned dark and he narrowed his eyes, as if he wasn't the lunatic who couldn't stop laughing just a split second before. He opened his mouth to speak, everyone waiting in anticipation for the words that would roll of his tongue.

"Of course not."

"Okay, die," the man said, frowning.

Everyone died, and the man vanished into dust.


The Fallen:

District 3: Winston "Buzz" Douglas [written by @josie-tee]

District 5: Mepium Rouge [written by @ShayTree]

District 8: Nadege Harred [written by (deleted account)]

District 11: Sophie Clavecall [written by @blackqueen39]


The Task: When Given A Friend

I'm sure all of your characters have had a nice long (perfectly not dangerous ;)) nap after falling prey to that icky white mist. Your character will wake up in... a part of the arena your character didn't think exist (That's because it didn't. The arena is changing, my friends). That's right! It's a quantum maze! The actual workings of the maze are up to you, but we're looking for some creativity and may or may not award a bonus point to those who really dig into this part of the task.

While the maze is the setting of the task, and you probably should have some sort of action, this task will not be action-centered. It's actually more of a... partner task. You'll each write your own entries (Separately! Try not to coordinate all that much...), but your tributes have been paired. They'll wake up with said partner in the maze, and it's probably for the best if you stick together. Why? Well, you'll soon discover that any sort of wound inflicted upon one tribute of the pairing will also be inflicted on the second tribute of the pairing. Isn't that lovely? So if one of you were to break you arm, your partner might, for example, suddenly feel their own arm break, even though they didn't fall to the ground like the first one did. If one of you were to die, well... I guess the other dies too. So I guess you don't really want to kill your partner, but remember, your tribute doesn't know this when they wake up with their partner.

I know some of you might be thinking we'll be forcing you into alliances with rival-like characters. That's what a normal host would do, right? Well we aren't normal. And also, I'm pretty sure that's been done before. Instead, this pairings will be based off alliances. Why? Because it's vital all of you get your alliance stories all nice and developed for what's coming next task.

So really, think of this as more of a free-reign task. Your requirements include the setting (the quantum maze) and the partners (you get to choose!), and developing your alliance (and if you don't have one, then starting said alliance with partner you choose). Other than that you do you and write whatever the hell you want. Confused? Ask.

The Pairings

1. Etton and Mizar

2. Morgan and Nereus

3. Puck and Hansel

4. Ameuillance and Stryker

5. Diana and Fabian

6. Remi and Waverly

7.  Damon and Anastasia


Deaths - 2

Ballots - 2

Ballot Challenge: 

puck x2


diana x3

damon x2



morgan x2




dead people: x4

y'all balloted the(now) dead? good for you . no ballot challenges this time 'round then.



No Maxiumum

Minimum - 1000



Wednesday, July 25th, 4pm, EST

Author Games: Panem EntangledDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora