When Stabbed By A Knife | Scores

90 7 0


We'd just like to mention a couple of things before we dive into the scores. You may notice a number of deductions by the scores of certain individuals, and since we never really mentioned how these deductions work exactly, we'd like to take some time to explain them now.

This task had both a maximum and minimum word count range, so really, all entries should've been between 1000-2500 words. Anyone who is below the minimum word count or above the maximum word count will get a .5 deduction, not matter how large or short your entry is. We'll have a 10 word grace period, knowing that some programs count words slightly differently than others and errors can be made. Please note that later tasks may allow for longer entries, and eventually, we do plan on having unlimited word counts.

The second reason for deductions were late entries. Some of you spoke with us about extensions, whether it be sponsorships or personal matters, and those don't count in this category. However, if you turn in an entry late, it's late no matter how late. We do understand that sometimes it doesn't send in that last moment, and we encourage you to send a little earlier due to that, but we do allow a 1 minute grace period. But any minute after that is late. So, our policy is -2 points for each hour. However, it's slightly different if you turn in within an hour of the deadline. If you turn in a half hour late, it's -1, and if you turn in a quarter of a hour late, it's -.5 To clarify, if you turn in between 2 minutes and 15 minutes late, it's still -.5.

Any deductions in these scores will be labeled accordingly.


+1 [First Entry] For turning in before the rest of the writers, we'd like to give Damon Meyers a token of our appreciation. A reminder to the rest of you: a bonus point is valuable, and maybe y'all should think about following this writer's lovely example and turn in early.


District 1 Male: Morgan Ruidhir

Score: 10.5 [-.5 Late Entry] = 10

District 1 Female: Mizar Hayes

Score: 8.7

District 2 Male: Nereus Ramsay

Score: 10.7

District 2 Female: Diana Sawyer

Score: 9.3

District 3 Male: Winston "Buzz" Douglas

Score: 9.7

District 3 Female: Waverly Easton

Score: 7.8 [-1 Late Entry] = 6.8

District 4 Male: Fabian Los Flores

Score: 9.2 [-.5 Late Entry] = 8.7

District 5 Male: Damon Meyers

Score: 8.3 [+1 First Entry] = 9.3

District 5 Female: Mepium Rouge

Score: 10.7

District 6 Female: Anastasia Chernova

Score: 6.2

District 7 Male: Noble Spruce

Score: 7 [-.5 Late Entry] [-.5 Under Word Minimum] = 6

District 7 Female: Puck Georges-Bouffairet

Score: 10.5

District 8 Male: Wilson Strauss


District 8 Female: Nadege Harred

Score: 8

District 9 Male: Etton Alexander

Score: 9.8

District 9 Female: Ameuillance Saranielle

Score: 8.5

District 10 Male: Hansel Chae

Score: 7.8

District 10 Female: Elowen Emde


District 11 Male: Remington "Remi" Sears

Score: 7.7 [-.5 Under Word Minimum] = 7.2

District 11 Female: Sophie Clavecall

Score: 7 [-.5 Under Word Minimum] = 6.5

District 12 Male: Stryker Sgroi

Score: 8.5

District 12 Female: Skylar Sterlings


Author Games: Panem EntangledWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt