D3 M: Winston "Buzz" Douglas [@josie-tee]

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Name: Winston "Buzz" Douglas

Age: 13

Sex: Male

District: 3

Appearance: Buzz is a wisp of a boy, all thin fingers and long legs and a frame so slight one expects him to collapse with every step. His wiry hair is as dark as his skin, offset only by his wide, pale eyes that seem to capture everything he sees inside their depths. His slender fingers are never still, and neither is the rest of him, creating an air of haziness around his fidgety body and earning him his nickname, for he looks like a small, dark hummingbird buzzing around in flight.

Personality: It would be hard for an outsider to get any sort of feel for Buzz's personality, past quiet, but he likes to think he's just observant. Always watching, always learning, Buzz has vast depths of knowledge in his brain - so much, in fact, that it's hard for him so sift through it when he needs it. He avoids conversation and eye contact alike, unless you're one of the few he's decided he likes, and then, you'll be lucky to escape him. His restless nature and solemn expressions have led more than a few to question what goes on in his head, but it's rarely anything bad, or even immoral - Buzz has a stark idea of what is right and what is wrong, and he never strays from his path or lets anyone else, if he can help it. He loves nature, perhaps oddly for a boy from the world of computers and technology, and he could spend hour staring at the stars and imagining being on them - far, far away from the world.

Past: Buzz has no one - not anymore, at least. His mother and father he has never known, not since they left him on a street corner when he could barely walk, and since then he has been rotated through a series of orphanages and homes, never lasting long at one before his guardians decide that perhaps a change will draw him out of his shell. He doesn't like the loud noises of the factories and research laboratories scattered around Three, and for that reason he now resides on the outskirts of the district, closer to the fields that surround the district than the stark industrial world, with a strong-and-silent guardian named Trick and a few other nobodies, his favorite of which is an older girl, Chip, who is the only one to let Buzz follow her around and doesn't pressure him into speaking.

Weapon of Choice: Something light, like a knife or a small axe, that he can carry.

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn

Token: A surprisingly strong piece of string he keeps looped around his wrist and plays Cat's Cradle with frequently.

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now