D9 F: Ameuillance Saranielle [@Chelseyh_writing]

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Name: Ameuillance Saranielle (Am-you-lonce Sar-an-ee-elle)

Age: 15

Sex: Female

District: 9 | Grains

Appearance: Like the majority of people in charge of the rice plantations in District 9, Ameuillance is Chinese, though only half. The other half is Caucasian, and though it only turns her eye and hair color slightly lighter, it doesn't make a mark on her skin color. Her hair is incredibly dark brown silk, a sheen of slightly lighter color managing to break through, moderately long and abnormally straight, though with a slight, natural wave at the ends. She has layered bangs, starting from a centimeter above her shoulders, down to her hair length, reaching six inches below her shoulders. It's pretty, but her eyes are, she thinks, her most appealing trait. Her eyes are almond-shaped, though the middle of her eyes doesn't slope as low, which is a good and a bad contribution at times. It's dark, rich brown, deep and piercing, though when she's panicked or deep in thought it becomes lighter, almost gray-brown, or layers of graying colors and brown. Her skin color isn't fair, working in the fields gave them a slight tan, moderately olive, with one or two freckles from too much sun. Her nose is of a small size to her face, maybe protruding slightly more upon hours of scrutinization. The most color on her face is her lips, which are naturally pink and always slightly chapped, with a large lower lip and upper lip almost the same size, but not quite. She's short for her age, always has been, but compact, slightly muscular everywhere, and healthily skinny. Her main flaw is her teeth, which she lost early, her jaw not growing enough to shrink the size of her front teeth in her mouth. Looking at her, though the colors of her face are mostly brown, there is the illusion of something under, color waiting to escape, that makes one consider her interesting to look at - and extremely beautiful. Uniquely pretty.

Personality: Ameuillance is very shy, she honestly doesn't know what to talk about or how to react when someone speaks to her, though she's both an amazing actor and speaker - and she thinks she's ugly. Looking at her shaky family life, she's had a history of depression from her family life, but only when she was younger. She's prone to getting angry with people who have done her wrong in the past, but very determined. If you give her a problem of any sort and conclude she can't do it, she will try again and again until she does, to savor the moment of triumph and victory. She's one of the smartest kids in her school, through pure natural ability alone - she doesn't have much time to study. She has the talent to learn things extremely quickly, even weapons like swords, and she's practiced with weapons in preparation for the Games, in case she was chosen - nothing compared with the Careers.

Background: Ameuillance grew up with two parents and a younger brother, who only didn't divorce because they didn't have enough money. Her mother was Chinese and her father was Caucasian, so they're shamed by the community, causing more trouble than there was love for each other. The rice plantations are the biggest by far plantations, and are mostly farmed by the Chinese, since their ancestors did it for thousands of years, the rest governed by the Caucasian. Ameuillance is known to not be fully Chinese or Caucasian, and since her birth people didn't know what to make of her. She was shunned, working sometimes with the rice, and sometimes other grains, longer hours and with less pay, though she repeatedly argued for respect towards her. The entire family, in the harvesting season - even her younger, 14-year-old brother - worked from dawn until dusk, alternating Saturdays and Sundays off. Possibly the least interesting district, 9 has been left mostly alone, so the bravest are left alone to forage in the woods if the Peacekeepers get a hearty share. Along with several other people, Ameuillance forages in the woods at night and works with the grains in the day, getting very little sleep. The best part about that was Ameuillance could identify every single grain there is, having worked in almost every one, every single plant in existence, hunt with any weapon, do fine with little or no sleep, and handle swinging a scythe almost all day, the rest of the time hoisting armfuls of the heavy stalks. Ameuillance never had someone kind over her, but she's always kind - albeit slightly shy. Her best attributes are being extremely brave, not hesitating to stand up for what she thinks is right, her smarts in all subjects especially physics, and she sympathizes with others, though they don't deserve to, since she's known what it feels like to be unhappy with others. She doesn't let anything weaken her, never shows negative emotions to strangers or those she doesn't trust, and thinks about everything that could happen with every movement. She's extremely strong, mentally and physically, though she's always wanted to be fully Caucasian, light skin, eyes, and hair. She can adapt to anything, is familiar with all types of plants, and uses her smarts as her biggest weapon, making her a formidable opponent. In any decision, she could make the apparently "wrong one" and still find a way to make it work for her.

Weapon of Choice: Ameuillance is extremely versatile, one of her best traits. She knows how to wield almost all weapons, but in the arena, her ideal weapon would be a sword, a better weapon but similar to the scythes she's grown up swinging around.

Drawn or Volunteered: Ameuillance volunteered. To her parents she's difficult to be around, since Ameuillance sometimes takes her anger and exhaustion out on her parents. The rest of the family is similarly exhausted of having to work so hard for so little money, and though her younger brother, tall for his age and muscular, would be the "ideal choice" for volunteering, according to her parents, Ameuillance refused - mostly out of pride to herself, being short and female, though just as likely to win. Her parents instructed for her brother to go in, but as ladies go first, Ameuillance prevented her brother from volunteering with her own. Ameuillance is also newly worried of the daily excecution and whipping lists brought by the new Peacekeeper team, knowing she'll be hanged if she's found hunting in the woods. Happily, the winnings would benefit her family, and if she lost? She has the attitude to know she won't.

Token: Just like Ameuillance, grains seem small and weedy - but try to mess with them or pull them from the ground? You'll find it's almost impossible. It's a small amber-yellow braided-metal bracelet, when you turn it you can see every parts paints a picture, with a a small pocket for putting something in the only interruption. Inside is a small pin with a girl with brown hair and eyes, obviously Chinese-Caucasian, posture thrown confidently as tendrils of wheat, rice, and other grain reaches out and grasps her arms, legs, and torso comfortably. You can tell it symbolizes that the person is brave, as unrootable as thousands of grains. Ameuillance was given the bracelet and pin by a Chinese-Caucasian girl, who wasn't affected by others' racism because of her wealth, given to her by her grandmother. Ameuillance fits the pin inside the bracelet, intending to present it as broken so she can keep both the bracelet and pin. She plans to repair the pin and wear it in the arena.

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