D7 M: Noble Spruce [@-Giraffe-]

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Name: Noble Spruce (though Noble Fir also works interchangeably)

Age: 18

Sex: Male

District: Seven

Appearance: Noble isn't much of a chick magnet if anyone thought otherwise. His usually unwashed hair doesn't quite woo any gender, and most of the time his face is covered in dirt and sawdust from cutting and sanding down long pieces of wood. The dirty handkerchief he uses to wipe his face doesn't help either, and the only thing he might have going for him is his pretty hazel eyes that seem to change color according to his environment. His dark brown hair is more than often unkempt, and honestly, he looks like someone who spent all day in District Twelve's coal mines. The only thing that might give him a District Seven-esque vibe is his tall stature at just below six feet and his broad shoulders that are more than capable of swinging an axe.

Personality: A bit of an oddity, Noble is a loner who enjoys being alone. He prefers not having to invest in relationships of any kind as they're a responsibility he'd rather not deal with. They're a constant effort and need to be vigilant over the other person's wellbeing and he best assumes it's easier to be responsible for himself and only himself. That way there's no risk, no pain, and no expectations to live up to this image people have projected onto him. No one knows the real Noble Spruce and he likes it better when he's not being "figured out." He finds that as soon as people think that they know you, they enforce expectations and try to categorize you as being a specific type of person when it's just never that simple. He understands why people do it and why they often feel it's necessary, but that kind of thing just isn't for him. Noble would rather observe the world from the sidelines and see things for how they are, not how we want them to be. He wants to be able to wake up and be whoever he wants, whether that be the same person or a different one entirely.

Past: Relationships will either last or they won't and they'll either grow or they'll wither. In Noble's case, he was born from a relationship that ended up burning like a box of matches. His parents, Sitka Spruce and Holly Fir were a whirlwind romance that moved fast with power and passion—like a bullet train speeding off the tracks. Their dream of running away together and getting out of Panem was idealistic at best and when the time came for them to go through with it, oh how their love did burn. Peacekeepers caught them within an hour and the sequence of events that took place afterward were desperate but never did matter in the end. Holly's attempts at saving her own skin by pinning the whole thing on Sitka was as foolish as it was hopeless, and a hurt Sitka hardly felt the need to protect her when it came time to accept their punishment.

The son of avoxes, Noble lives with his uncle in a small cabin next to a lumberyard and helps build boats and canoes for District Four. He's only ever known this lifestyle, and honestly, he doesn't mind it. His uncle Jezo taught him everything he knows and he doesn't actually wish his parents were still around. He tries his best to distance himself from their names to avoid being labeled as the "avox kid" which seems to happen a lot anyway, despite his attempts to separate himself from that identity. But he does try.

Weapon of Choice: An axe, of course.

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn

Token: A red handkerchief his uncle Jezo gave him when he was first learning how to cut wood. It's a bit worn-out and dirty but he holds onto it nonetheless. 

Author Games: Panem EntangledWhere stories live. Discover now