When You Have No More Friends | Rankings & Voting

223 5 13

1. Nereus Ramsay - 52.3

2. Morgan Ruidhir - 52.2

3. Puck Georges-Bouffairet - 52.1

4. Etton Alexander - 49

5. Stryker Sgroi - 46.8

6. Diana Sawyer - 44.9

7. Ameuillance Saranielle - 43.1

8. Anastasia Chernova - 27.6

Fabian Los Flores - DEAD

Remington "Remi" Sears - DEAD

Mizar Hayes - DEAD

=There will be no voting this task once again because we had three deaths prior to voting. Sorry for the huge delay on scores and rankings--one of us was sick for a while (and traveling while sick...the horrors) and two of us were at camp and all these things. We hope to much better with promptness next task! Task Six | When You Have No More Hope will be up tomorrow. For the curious: it's a song task. No need to wait for it though--you won't be choosing your songs. ;)) We're cruel like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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