D4 F: Blythe Choi (@wordsmith-)

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Name: Blythe Choi

Age: 14

Sex: Female

District: 4

Appearance: Blythe is all sharp elbows and knobby knees, thin wrists and ankles. She hasn't quite grown into her skin, still awkward and tripping over her own feet. Her youth is further evidenced by the hints of baby fat rounding out her face, as well as the fact that she's a good six inches shorter than her peers, making her seem even younger than she already is.

Personality: Blythe lives more inside her own dream world than out. Idealistic and intelligent, she tries to see the best in every situation, always looking for that silver lining. She does the same with people, searching for the best in them. Despite her inherent kindness, she's quick tempered and has the typical pettiness of a teenage girl. And while she is generally seen as happy and content, there are times when she struggles with loneliness.

Past: Besides her overactive imagination, Blythe is unextraordinary. The only child of middle class parents who were the definition of workaholics, Blythe saw them only during the evenings. While there are a few friends that she hangs out with, she spent most of her childhood playing with her imaginary friend Emmie. She still does, occasionally, though she has long since stopped doing so where anyone can see her. Apart from this, Blythe leads an average life. She goes to school, hangs out with friends, and daydreams about whatever catches her interest.

Weapon of Choice: Ropes or nets

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn

Token: A keychain that belonged to her great grandmother.


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