D1 M: Morgan Ruidhir [@HannahFare]

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Name: Morgan Ruidhir (ru-DEER)

Age: Eighteen

Sex: Male

District: One

Appearance: Morgan's face was tailor-made for smiling. In conversations, he's always grinning as he speaks, hazel eyes shining in the light, lone dimple set in the right side of his face. His hair is a force of nature, a mess of thick, coppery curls that just covers the tops of his ears. His skin is fair and reveals a light dusting of freckles if left in the sun for too long, though his arms and shoulders always sport a handful of darker, larger freckles, even in the dead of winter. His nose is prominent, from his mother's side; people can identify his siblings by nose alone, though the hair also gives them away. Morgan has been growing dark-copper stubble over the past year for a more mature look, but his mentor advised him to shave it before reaching the Capitol—he appears more youthful, more in need of protection and sponsorship, without it.

Personality: Morgan is eager, optimistic, and warm. He takes joy in learning new things and teaching them to his younger siblings; compared to past One tributes, he thrived more on the intellectual side of training due to his readiness to learn. Morgan always needs to be doing something, whether that's climbing to the roof of his house to watch the sunrise, embroidering detail for fun into his family's prototype handbags, or poring through borrowed training manuals. He gravitates toward family life more than a social life; his four siblings are his closest friends. He enjoys making little gifts for them and watching their eyes light up (he's a talented baker, but he won't shy away from trying other crafts at which he has less skill). He tries not to think about the level of corruption in the government, which he should be smart enough to recognize is present. Dwelling on such factors outside his control stresses him out, and he's learned to avoid them for his sense of normalcy's sake.

Past: Morgan grew up the son of two handbag makers, though it was never assumed that he would inherit the family business. It was also never assumed that he would enter the Games—his parents only enrolled him in training because they needed some physical outlet for his energy. In both areas, he was a quick learner, so a future was available in either; honestly, he could have pursued a great many paths. On some level, though, Morgan surprised his family when he actually volunteered for the Games. Morgan is so family-oriented, and so disjointed from the usual volunteer ideals of honor and fame, that they never anticipated him competing for the chance to volunteer. He'll try his best, of course, but everyone who knows him is terrified. He's not vicious. He's a smart man of simple tastes, but he's no killer. Though his family is baffled and afraid, no one can get a read on exactly how Morgan feels.

Weapon of Choice: Morgan's strengths lie in general survival, but he enjoys combat with a long staff.

Drawn/Volunteered: Volunteered. Morgan defeated the next-best contender, his trainer's cousin Herald, in combat and earned the right to participate.

Token: A soft leather cord he wears around his neck, a small chunk of obsidian tied to the bottom. He'd planned to remove the obsidian and put in some family memento, but his goodbyes passed too quickly, and Morgan left the station without anything more sentimental.

Author Games: Panem EntangledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora