Ch.3 meeting them p.3😂

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Madison's Pov
I was SHOOCK I tell you SHOOK!!
Jack's Pov
"We should go through this neighbourhood" I tell the everyone

"Whyyyyyyy this one!"Zach complains

"Theirs a parc!!" I tell him so he can come

"IM IN!!!! And before you ask I don't know why I'm acting like this" Zach tells me running up the pretty steep hill.
We where walking yup the hill when Logan starts vlogging. And he starts talking pretty loud. He does that hair thing for the transition like he did it at the hotel and and he's doing it again. (I can't explain it watch Logan's vlog and you'll see what I mean😂)
I can't help but laugh


Logan says pretty loud, and he said "artsy pics" in that girly white girl voice honestly I've gotten used to it.
So all the way up the hill, Logan's vlogging us sing, "never know" our song, Ayla is walking Kong, Brendan is vlogging for Logan on the drone and Evan is on Logan's back
Logan's Pov
"Aieeeeeeeeee!!" That's muh boiiiiiiiiissss" -Logan

Of course I go and give them each a high five but I decide to stop at Jonah since he was last and ask him a few questions about his life. I'm still vlogging this.

"So Jonah how's your life going so far"-Logan

"Life is great, how's yours" -Jonah

"My life is great, so how are the girls " I say while punching him lightly in the arm.

"I have no girlfriend and I'm not looking for one' Jonah says trying not to laugh.

"So why..." I say before getting cut off by Corbyn yelling something.
Corbyn's Pov
"Everyone shut up and listen!!" I yell so everyone can hear me.
They all look at me confused wondering why, Daniel was about to say something but I quickly put my finger on my mouth telling them to be quiet. They all listen to the beautiful voice of a girl singing "Never know" by us. I see all their jaws drop. We all look up and see the girl looking at us.
Jonah's Pov
"Everyone shut up and listen" Corbyn yells out at us.
I give him the most confused look because he never does that, but I stay quiet knowing it must be something he wants us to hear. I see Logan vlogging saying something to the camera but I can't hear him. I guess I have to watch the vlog to see. Daniel was gonna say something when Corbyn quickly put his finger on his mouth signalling to be quiet.
Then it hits me! The prettiest voice ever. I look up to see I pretty girl sitting on her bed singing "never know" by us. Her voice is so good. We HAVE to talk to her. For some reason I feel like we're gonna be good friends. We'll see I guess
Logan's Pov
After he tells us to shut up, I quickly realize why, because I could hear a girl singing "never know" by The Why Don't We boys.
"I can see a good future for this girl" I whisper to the camera so nobody could hear.
The she stops and I can tell that everyone was looking up at her. I look up and see her look down at us with the most surprised and embarrassed face. She was such a cute girl. But not in the weird way, I mean in the adorable way you know.
"O.MY.GOD!! L.L.Logan P.P.Paul" she takes a deep breath and I feel I smile forming on my face. I'm vlogging this whole thing keep in mind. I signal everyone to stay quiet and let her finish.
W.W.W.W.Why D.Don't W.We,
A.Ayla, B.Brendan, E.Evan!!!!! She says and I see everyone smiling and I see her with the brightest smile ever.
Then Zach starts talking to her.
Zach's Pov
"Heyyyyyy!! You have the best voice I've heard ever, come out here." I could feel my cheeks heat up just a little after I said that. Honestly she's gorgeous. I can tell she's younger but honestly I don't want to leave and never see her again.

"REALLY!!!" She says jumping off her bed"
Wow she's cute, I think to myself.

"Ya!!!!! If course!!!! Come on!!!" Corbyn yells up at her. (He yells in a nice way so don't think he's being mean)

"Yasssss girl! get down here we wanna get to know you" Ayla tells her.
After Ayla said that her smile got bigger and even more cute, like that's even possible.

I.LOVE.YOUR.VOICE!!!! Daniel yells up to her. And with that she was gone.

Only the beginning // why don't we (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें