Ch.20 rant

951 14 1

June 27 2017
Madison's Pov
"Who do u want to bring to LA with us" my mom asks

"We can't bring dad because he has to work" I say

"We can bring Anne, she really want's to go to La" my mom says
(Anne is Madison's first cousins mom. Anne has 3 kids, one girl that's 9 named Carmen, a boy that's 13 named Mathew, and another boy that's 18 named Justin. Anne's husband is Madison's dad's brother)

"Ok can we go after supper" I ask her

"Ok, I'll call them, but you have to tell her" she says

"Ok" I say leaving the room

Time skip
We nock on the door and my little cousin carmen opens it. I'm her favourite so she hugs me first and the others after. My cousins Hayden comes down and greets us. Me and him are pretty close but we pretend to hate each other. We do a lot of stuff together. We do Sunday school together and people from our grad that go to our church also go so it's a class. And we also go to school together. We have the same group of friends. So basically 8 people that go to our Sunday school go to my school. Only 6 of us hang out, we all hate the other 2 girls.Theirs 4 boys and 2 girls. Anyways.
"I wanna go to the park" carmen says tugging my arm

"Ya one sec ok" I say walking down the hall to the TV room to say hi

"Madison's wants to tell you something" my mom says to Anne
The room goes silent. My dad and my uncle stop talking and listen and Hayden, Carrmen and my brother are listening also.

"Oh really" Anne says raising an eyebrow

"Tell her" my mom says nudging me

"So umm basically we're going to LA" I say referring to my mom and I. "And we're going for my modelling and acting and they gave us 3 first class tickets for 2 weeks to LA." I say looking at her smiling

"What money do you expect me to bring, we're going to Lebanon we have nothing left" she says sarcastically and laughing

"Well they my modelling company kinda gave us $20 000 American so I thought $10 000 for me and $10 000 for you" I say playing with my thumbs

"OH MH GODNESS!" She yells standing up " THANK YOU SO MUCH" she says hugging me tightly.

"No problem" I say laughing

"When do we get the money" she asks

"So I already told them that we want to split the money, so when we get to the airport in LA my manager will give it to us. " I explain

After her saying thank you and everything. My cousins, my brother and I all go to the park

Time skip
I'm waiting for Aspen and Atalia to pick me up. They said they'll be here in 10 minutes so I'm waiting in the tv room. I changed into this:

I here a honk and grab my bag and my phone, I say bye to my parents and walk out

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I here a honk and grab my bag and my phone, I say bye to my parents and walk out.

"Hey" I say getting in the car

"Hi" they both say together

Skip car ride

Atalia goes to take a shower and me and Aspen nock on Jack's door. Aspen sits on the couch. The boys have chairs set up. Theirs wasn't a chair for me so I sit on the floor in front of the camera.

"Your not sitting on the floor" Daniels says placing me on his lap.

"Why did I even bother" I say playfully rolling my eyes

Jack sits on my left and Zach's on my right. Jonah and Corbyn are in the back, but you can still see them. Aspen is on the couch in the back. She'll come over later.

"Let's start the live" Jack says

They go on the why don't we account on Instagram and press live. Instantly thousands of people join.

"Let's just talk to them for a little" I say looking at the screen

I read one of the comments out loud
"Madison where are you sitting"

"Oh hahahahah, I'm sitting on Daniel's lap" I say blushing a little
I look over at Daniel and see him blush. How cute.

"What happened on twitter this morning" Jonah reads

We explain what happens and we talk to the fans for a little and stuff.

"Now we should clear things up" I say

"So me and Madison where talking and we want to clear all this drama stuff" Jack says

"I just want to say that I'm 100% not dating Corbyn and he's not cheating on Christina. He freakin loves her. He wouldn't do that." I say

"All those rumours of me and Madison are false. We're best friends!" Corbyn says

"And I just want to say, I've been a fan of this band since only the beginning and every time a girl hangs out with them they get hate but when a boy hangs out with them it's fine. They can have girl friends you know. Like I'm sorry but they're aloud to date someone it's not your life it's theirs. And you can't just hate on the girls and say their using them for fame. Just to point out I'm not using them for fame and followers cuz 1. My account is private on Instagram 2. My Snapchat username isn't on the internet" I say getting a little mad

"We love you all so much and all we ask is that you stop hating on the girls we talk to" Zach says

"It's a little frustrating because you guys make the drama and get mad about all of it" I say

"We just wanted you guys to know how we feel about this" Daniel says

"I just want to say what the hell is your problem! You guys are getting mad at Aspen for always hanging out with the boys and calling her a slut and stuff. I'm sorry but last time I checked hanging out with your best friends isn't being a slut. I just want to say that before you call someone names, you should know what it means" I say

Aspen gets up and comes into the live

"Jaspen is not real, never was, and never will be" Jack says

"I hope you guys know I have a boyfriend" Aspen says to the live
After the rant we do a q&a

"First question" I say looking at the screen

"Do you have a fan account for the boys" I read.

"Do you" Corbyn says raising an eyebrow

"Yes I do" I say "I'm not gonna say the name but I only have like 200 followers"

"Awwwwww how cute" Jack says laughing
I punch Jack in the arm. Playfully

"I do have a fan account for Selena Gomez tho" I say

"You do?" They all say

"Ya I have like 38.6k followers" I say

"Wow" Jonah says shocked

"What's the username" Daniel says

" I don't know if I want to give it away" I say

We answer more questions then me and Aspen go to her room where we see Ayla and Atalia.


A.n: HOPEFULLY THAT CLEARED THA DRAMA WITH THE FANS!!!!!! They only have 3 more days till they leave!!!! Hope your liking the book! It's my first one lol😂

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