Ch.64 everything will get better

612 10 11

A.n: who should Madison date.
September 20 2017
(It's September 20 cuz it's like 12:30am😂)
Madison's Pov
"I'm sorry for you loss Madison" Zach says looking down. I run up to him and engulf him in a hug. My tears fall on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok Madison. Make your parents proud and stay strong" he whispers

"I love you" whisper

"I love you to" he says hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you" I say still hugging him.

"Let's forget about that" he whisper "Go to sleep, you need it" he say kissing my head. He gives me a weak smile before sitting on the air mattress.

I quietly walk upstairs to my room where Jack is.

He's looking at the pictures I have hung up if my parents and I. I walk up to him and look at all the pictures. My eyes start to water.

"Madison, you have to stay strong" he whispers

"They really are gone. Forever" I say shacking my head.
Jack turns me to face him. He presses his forehead against mine and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Please don't cry" he whispers. I place my head on his shoulder. "It's gonna be ok" he says rubbing my back. He breaks the hug. "We should sleep." He says.

I go and sit on my bed and crawl to the side touching the wall. I pull the blankets over myself as Jack sits in bed.

I get up. I can't sleep in my bed. I should let Jack have it alone.

"Where are you going" he whispers

"I'm sleeping on the couch." I answer getting if the bed.

"No your not" he says placing me back on the bed.

I sigh and get back under the covers.

I know I can't sleep with someone before marriage. But they've done so much for me and flew all the way over here for me. The least I can do is let him sleep in my bed.

My body starts to shack. This happens to me when I'm sad, or scared.

Jack's Pov
I'm sitting in her bed trying to sleep when I feel shacking. I turn around to see Madison shaking.

"Madison what's wrong" I whisper

"N.noth.thing" she stutters

I move over next to her and warp my arm around her. I feel her little body shacking.

"Your shacking" I say quietly.

"I can't live with myself without them" she whispers "I need them in my life to live"

"Please don't think like that." I say turning her to face me. She looks at me. Even though I can't see her face I can see the pain in her.

"It's to hard. I need to go" she says shacking her head.

"You can't leave" I say

"I need to get out of here. Just for a little. I can't stay here right now" she quietly says. She starts shacking a little more.

I slowly rub her back trying to get her to stop. She cuddles into my chest. I wish this would happen every night. I keep rubbing her back until the shacking stop. I kiss her head and slowly move back to my side of the bed.

Time skip.

Madison's Pov

"Thanks for the pancakes Corbyn" I say putting my plate in the sink.

"Anytime" he smiles.

I walk into the tv room and Jonah pats the spot next to him.

"Thanks for coming babe" I say placing my head on his shoulder.

"I would do anything for you" he says wrapping his arm around me.

Then Daniel walks in with the rest of the boys except Logan. Jack starts singing just to see you smile as we walks in.

Jonah grabs my hand making me stand as he sings his part. My heart melts as he sings to me.

Then Daniel comes wiping my tears. "You looks so beautiful, you walked out of a dream" he sings standing in front of me. My hearts starts to beat out of my chest. How can I like them all this much. "I never felt this way before, your eyes are all I need." He sings as he places his hand under my chin making me look at him.

They sing the next part together then Corbyn's solo comes.

"Without a question you keep me guessing" he sings warping his arm around my neck. "And golden hearts find gentle hands with no exceptions" he sings the moves away.

Then Zach comes grabbing my hand and twirling me around. "And if I hold you, we're bulletproof" he sings as I twirl around. When I make a full circle he stops me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close, placing his forehead against mine. "And I don't care about nobody's point of view" he sings looking me in the eye. My stomach fills with butterflies. These boys make me feel something different, I can't explain. I can't believe I'm falling so hard for them. Well not for Corbyn. I can't and won't fall for Corbyn.

I give them a weak smile as I sit down.

Time skip

Today Logan and my brother went somewhere because my mom was the one who would help with my career and my manager would always call my mom, and my mom was the one who had to travel with me if I ever needed to. But she can't anymore. So they said it was my brother who would do all that but he said he doesn't know what to do. He'll gladly travel with me but they went down to say that Logan would now be doing that. If I ever travel somewhere Logan comes with me and my brother has an option.

Anyway another load of people came to visit today. I held back all the tears when they would ask me how I was. I have to keep it strong.

I talked to my brother. We decided to go to LA until the beginning of December. We still have to tell the boys and Logan. It would be so much easier. We both need to clear our minds and get away. I can't have people asking how I'm feeling anymore. I feel like I'm gonna have a break down if I stay here any longer. I figured 2 and a half months in LA would be good, so when we come back we're mentally good and ready to be back with everything that's happening.

A.n: Ha nothing happened with Jack😂 I don't know, i might have something up my sleeve for her and Jack.

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